FraterPerdurabo: I tried the original Halo when it first came out and found it not only dead average, but utterly forgettable. Perhaps that's why it's dead for the PC - there are simply way better MP games to play?
Then why is Halo alive and kicking on the Xbox 360 when there are many other multiplayer games there? You know, COD, BF3, CS:GO, Team Fortress 2 have been released for Xbox 360 too. Actually, most games on PC are released on consoles too.
What you have said doesn't make any sense at all. Halo's multiplayer mode is on par with any other FPS out there. Heck, most FPSes (including COD) borrowed many elements from Halo 2 and 3.
Halo 2 on PC tanked hard because it was a fucking lame port. And on top of that, they made it Vista-exclusive when no one had Vista yet. If Microsoft hadn't shut down Live on Xbox, people would still be playing Halo 2 today.
Now, about the thread, i was kind of skeptical about Halo 4 at first simply because it's the first Halo not developed by Bungie (except for Halo Wars). But after looking at all the teasers and trailers i became really excited about it. My initial fears vanished. I think the series needed to change, and it looks like 343 is bringing many interesting new elements into Halo. From what i have seen, they're focusing more on story-telling then Bungie did. I liked that.