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No specific forum for this apparently...

Its an old strategy/war game. Anyone here remember playing this? Unfortunately there doesnt appear to be much info on it, there are some parts of the game i cant figure out and which arent mentioned in the manual....was hoping people could help.

Im running it through dos box and the game seems to have several bugs that i dont remember it having when i ran it on win95 ages ago. I cant seem to turn the music off or adjust the volume at all, since the volume doesnt change when i move the volume slider.

Other questions :

-Is it just me or does auto weapon switching do nothing? When i have a tank gun and a 20mm vulcan, tanks still use the gun against infantry instead of the vulcan.

-It looks like units get a white veterancy stripe as they get more kills, but this is not mentioned in the manual, does anyone know what it does?

-You cant transfer surviving units from campaign to campaign or sell them for money right?

-How do you tell which stocks will be profitable, low PE is good of course, but it seems like they can just randomly go down/up...

-Is there a way to have scientists stay on the research project? It looks like they get auto-unassigned after a project is finished and its really annoying having to re-assign them everytime.

-How exactly do you get to use shields? I cant seem to get them to work, since even light tanks end up with terrible speed when mounted with shields, unless i remove all their armor.

-What is the point of building bases in the field? It is incredibly expensive and costs money. Meanwhile tanks cost only RU which are far chaper to obtain and you can just zerg rush them.

-Similar to the above, why build infantry when they cost money, die in one hit, are incredibly slow and dont even have good weapons?
It was one of my favorite old strategy games:
Vote here:
and here:
Unfortunately the last time I've played it was over 10 years ago so I barely remember it. My favorite part was the stock market and designing your own units though.
Btw the stock market is pretty random. The main point of it though is to have at least 50% shares in all types of companies.
Also infantry was useful in the cases when you run out of RU's. That can happen sometimes.
Im not sure how its possible to run out of RUs though. For example now i have light tanks. A small fore of that is enough to just overrun pretty much all opposition, and the strongest enemy units ive found so far appears to be recon tanks. Like 6 light tanks with tank guns are enough to just snipe everything to death before they can do much damage to me, infantry die in one hit and enemy vehicles are mostly APCs or humvees.

Im confused as to why theres a second war inc link called project airos?
Played it some back in the late 1990s. Was a good RTS as I recall.
Would be nice to see it here, on GOG.

Don't remember any bugs like you describe, though.
You can run out of RUs. In later stages I clearly remember money being abundant while having trouble with RUs :)
Also the game was released under the name Project Airos in some countries.
End game units can get pretty pricey. The best MBT with a 20mm railgun and the best armor/shields costs close to 3k RUs, but it is very very tough to kill.

Some units are a ripoff though, a adv hover tank costs 4.6k RUs and the speed has no real advantage over a MBT (which can go close to 60 MPH)

Power armor is really useless as they arent much cheaper than a tank but has no advantages over one.

Gunships are ridiculously OP though, mostly because the devs decided that giving hellfire missles/rocket pods more range than SAMs and AA guns was a good idea. A group of gunships with hellfire missles can fly all over the map, immune to most ground unit fire, outrange all ground based AA except for the very rare sidewinder missle and kill most buildings in seconds. And the most expensive gunship costs less than 2k RUs...

I dont suppose anyone knows how to edit the files for this game?
Who's got the rights to it? It looked pretty cool but it was around before I was really able to get into anything other than my twitch FPS.
No clue....
Anyone have any idea what statuture defense does?
-It looks like units get a white veterancy stripe as they get more kills, but this is not mentioned in the manual, does anyone know what it does? - seem that hit points increase with stripes (but not much, 10 hp/stripe for a 180 hp recon tank)

-How exactly do you get to use shields? I cant seem to get them to work, since even light tanks end up with terrible speed when mounted with shields, unless i remove all their armor. - you need more power (or a better engine, or some special addons liek flash charger or trans gearing). When you modify engine size in left panel you can see speed/maximum speed of unit.
Shields are expensive, but are good on tanks (25 hp shield on light tanks, 70 or more on MBT), And you will need to carry less weapons to aford space for engine.

Bases in the field are good for some repair and ammo reload.
I think you can sell main base for cash before last objective.

Very good game, except for hellicopters with missiles - too powerfull (as mentioned earlier in forum) and for some spiral maps.