Posted February 29, 2012

Registered: Sep 2010
From Germany

I want MIDI back
Registered: Mar 2010
From Poland
Posted February 29, 2012
Isn’t this title a bit misleading? Comparing company’s stock value with country’s GDP is like, simplified, comparing assets of one individual with yearly income of another one.

God lover
Registered: Aug 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted February 29, 2012

All in all the test of Apple isn't this year nor next year while projects jobs green lighted are still in the system it will remain stable the test will be when they are gone and the new management has to deal with it. They have already caved to shareholders so that SH's can vote for the CEO and that's never a good thing for a company like that.
Not exactly like him, but like I hinted at before, Apple isn't the house jobs built, it's the house he laid the foundations for. He pretty much did his job in that regard. Apple top to bottom now has the cream of the crop when it comes to operations, manufacturing, QA (software wise), software development, marketing and operations. These people get paid well, have successful careers and most likely great stock options. Add the reality distortion field Jobs paraded on site and you have a powerful mix that makes them stay at the company. I'm not lying when I say they have a extremely competitive frame of mind at Apple, everyone else in the industry are a bunch if Infidels. They want nothing more to get rid of them and work just for that.
Unlike other companies it's the fierce loyalty to the company that will likely sustain the motivation, people at apple have a personal stake that far outweighs their salary. Apple isn't the same company that Jobs once left. They are at the peak of their power, have tens of billions to ride out one hell of a bad period, and staffed with top people. Unlike almost every other business, they are nimble and can adapt.
I obviously can't look into the future and guarantee all this and say that Apple will dominate. I could very well be wrong and Apple sink. However, I think it all hinges on the lawsuits, they win and even if all the top people left, Apple would sit and grow fat with the monopoly they have become. Untouchable since even the governments play their ball.
They lose? The motivation you talked about could easily be lost and the company haemorrhage like RIM. It'll be very interesting to see what happens in the next few years.

Beep Beep
Registered: Feb 2011
From United States

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted February 29, 2012
Fad = following the sheep. Flock stayed together for quite a while eh?. Predict Apply will start to wilt in the near future since Job's is gone...

New User
Registered: Apr 2011
From United States
Posted February 29, 2012

A common measure of value is the ratio of market cap to gross sales. (Indeed, it's the best measure for going concerns that aren't turning a profit.) By old standards that don't take into account the currently inflated stock prices on most exchanges, a ratio of 1:1 is fairly valued. And for a privately held or not-for-profit concern (such as, maybe, a country), a good estimate of its value is the annual gross sales (which is the annual GDP).
But the only purpose the article could have is to illustrate the enormous scale of Apple's operations ($108 billion (milliard) in 2011 sales) and the enormous value presently attributed to Apple stock.
Post edited February 29, 2012 by cjrgreen

New User
Registered: Jan 2009
From Serbia
Posted March 01, 2012

Apple brought the "future" of mobile computing to the masses but did nothing to educate them as to what they can really do with their expensive toys and in process locked everything down so it would be idiot proof.

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted March 01, 2012
Interestingly, he left in 1984, my first computer (a Macintosh) is from 1994, and my personal favourite products (including the Newton) from them are from before Jobs' ideas came back with the iMac (though I'll admit the iPod is great as well, I doubt they'll continue updating the "classic" line any more).

New User
Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted March 01, 2012
My underwear is probably worth more than Poland. I sure hope Apple don't buy Poland though... I like the Poles and would hate to see them subjected to such rubbishness... on the other hand the Poles could emmigrate, all the apple fans could move in and then we could tell North Korea what Apple said about Kim Jong-un's mother.

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island
Posted March 01, 2012

It happened few times before noteworthy was browser case against Microsoft.
Really one of the unquestionable benefits of EU and its multiculturalism.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted March 01, 2012

I think the next big thing will be... ummm... ah... organic micro bicycles and a free AI based medical service network which will make many doctors unemployed all over the world.

New User
Registered: Nov 2011
From Canada
Posted March 01, 2012

yep. so apple is slowly losing the phone market.

New User
Registered: Nov 2011
From Canada
Posted March 01, 2012
Iphone users are also more willing to pay for apps. In America 89% of android app downloads were free, while only 73% of apple downloads were free.
Developers won't walk away from these numbers anytime soon.

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island
Posted March 01, 2012

apple still has lead on market share but it sold less products than either nokia and samsung.

New User
Registered: Nov 2011
From Canada
Posted March 01, 2012

apple still has lead on market share but it sold less products than either nokia and samsung.
For smartphones apple was number 1 in 2011.