htown1980: I understand why people use it, but I don't think it dramatises the metaphor, I think it literally makes the writer sound like they don't understand what "literally" means. I also dislike the use of the word ironical... and, ironically, people who use the word ironic in the wrong context...
But without a doubt, you know what the absence of doubt implies in terms of certainty. But you certainly often use these expressions to express moderate conviction or mere hypotheses. I'm sure you're (arbitrarily) less strict about these usages than about the emphatic usage of "literaly". If so, why the double standard ?
HGiles: Uh...Telika, using a word that means not-a-metaphor to dramatically emphasize a metaphor is kind of the definition of 'dramatic misuse'.
Why. It's some sort of meta-metaphorical usage. It's not much different from "I swear, if you weren't here I would have strangled him" (no you wouldn't). It's contextual. "It literally blew my mind" (no it didn't) means -often- something else than "it was literally swept away". Using both, to convey different things, doesn't imply an ignorance of that word's meaning. People know what an oath is, even when they "swear" a blatant exaggeration. And t's no perjury either. It's not much different from literary "effets de réel" such as introductions claiming that a blatant fiction is actually papers discovered in a bottle, or videotapes found in the forest, or a found testimony written by another person than the author. It's a rhetorical device that fools no one, but just increases an effect. In practice, "literaly" often means "please suspend your disbelief while I pleasantly exaggerate something". It serves a function, emphasizes a metaphor. The fact that this word is hijacked for that does not invalidate it. Many words are hijacked like that. What's the difference between "i swear he hit the ceiling when i startled him" and "he litterally hit the ceiling when i startled him" ?
Plus : drama. Langage serves to convey meaning, and works on consensus. This consensus defines the meanings, both through actual usage and institutional officialisations, with often a gap between them. This means that, when it comes to language, you may indeed consider that "people doing it makes it right". The relations between sounds or markings and a given meaning are arbitrary, and depend on what people make of them. As long as it "works", it's "true". That's why usages change langages, no matter how uncomfortable (or downright heartbreaking) it is at any moment of history - but the accepted and defended "orthodox" versions had themselves evolved the same way to become what they are now. It's often better to stay at a descriptive level than at a normative one, when it comes to this, because efficient communication is more determining than orthodoxy. Beyond a certain level of consensual acceptation, fighting a certain usage becomes pedantic at worst (when it's absolute), irrelevant at best (when it's contextual). If everybody decides that "cool" means nice, your insistance on temperature may become a bit out of place.
In short, language is evolutive and elastic, people toy with it a lot. The more "literate" we get, the more conservative we tend to become (it's a weird thing about langage), losing sight of the point and the reality of langage. Maybe using our expertise to reinforce our status and identity, as langage mastery is a powerful weapon for that. I've got my personal angers, my pet terms and expressions that I hate to see "misused", "deformed", drifting to new forms and meanings, and also irritatingly dumb neologisms that I reject. And it takes an effort to keep in mind that nothing ever stops, that many expressions that I use have taken the same road (and won't leave it), and that some concepts I had been trained to use in a very restricting way within a given field have a much broader, adaptable, imprecise, somewhat polysemic useage in other fields. It only annoys me when "misused" terms convey implicit meanings that people are not entirely aware of bringing in, but that are still present and can be used as manipulative troyan horses.
Words. Knowing their exact meaning is good. Understanding their collective usage is obligatory. Coming to terms with their flexibility (even appreciating it, and figuring out its reasons) sometimes helps everybody to breathe a bit. Ooh I could literaly bombard you with french exemples ("battre son plein", "nominer", "faire long feu", "pour ne pas le nommer", etc). After a while, "twisted" usages of words and expression (righlty!) enter dictionaries. What do you do then ?
ant. of figuratively.
fig : figuratively.