Posted July 23, 2013

Though yeah in the short term stuff might get removed from PSN/XBL in such an instance

Atlus published a lot of different games on various systems. Anything on PSN / XBL / Steam would be removed solely because Nintendo will never release any of their games on a competitor's service. Period.
I mean, they ported Devil Survivor to the 3DS 2 years after its release, then instead of releasing DS2 on the 3DS they first put out the DS so they could release a 3DS version 2 years later.
Their PSX/PSP titles would probably be a cinch to toss over to the 3DS (like Soul Hackers), and they probably could find a way to squeeze in their PS2 titles in there somewhere eventually. I doubt they'd turn down a chance at a fourth version of P3 or a third version of P4 or a fourth release of Nocturne. And they haven't made any current gen console games besides Catherine.
The problem would be with titles that Atlus just published like Demon's Souls or Rock of Ages or what have you, but out of those I'd bet the only title that most Atlus fans would miss if it went away is Demon's Souls.
(and I should say that I'm not really for or against it happening, just pointing that out.)