Posted March 30, 2012

Icewind Dale?
Icewind Dale 2?
KotOR 2?
Neverwinter Nights 2?
Mask of the Betrayer?
Alpha Protocol?
Fallout: New Vegas?
if that isn't an impressive record, i don't know what you're asking for.
But IWD/2 was a poorly written dungeon crawl, the combat carried that game. He doesn't get a Pass for Kotor 2 considering the state it was left in, his fault for that or not it ended up a disjointed mess, hardly a pinacle of story telling. Alpha Protocol is acceptable as a game, but hardly exceptional, the same with F:NV.. and both were buggy up the arse... and he certainly doesn't get a pass for original design considering everything there is based on better work.
I'll admit he has, at times, good ideas.. but in the end that all the ever amount to.
Post edited March 30, 2012 by Tormentfan