JeffieBoi: Ah, I remember the days before kids when I would literally play all day. Amount to nothing, never open the curtains, never leave the couch, chip crumbs all over me, an empty Mountain Dew cube on the floor with 24 cans in a stack. The hardest decision I had to make all day was how much longer i could go without peeing on myself. Having the girlfriend come home from a full day of work calling me a lazy POS all the while not giving a shit because I knew that I had saved the world! Enter children...exit games. Have to work, make dinner, give the kids a bath, hang out with to the wife, eh! By that time its LATE, have to work tomorrow! Just opened this brand new game, have maybe, maybe an hour before I HAVE to go to bed and start it all over again. Ah, peace and time! Wait, did you hear that?? Is that the baby crying? Crap...
Amen and preach on, brother! Fortunately, my kid has finally reached the age where we are starting to get into some of the same games (he's 12), so while I still don't have the time for games that I used to and I don't feel comfortable playing some of the more mature titles I have with him, we're still able to engage in some fun family frag fests every once in a while (when he isn't grounded from gaming for missing his homework, that is).