Posted May 30, 2013
I beat the game last week &, while it was immediately obvious how little sense it makes, the more I think about it the less it makes sense. The problem I have is not with the end game revelation (which I saw coming a mile away. Seriously... the game does everything but straight up tell you that Booker & Comstock are the same person via the voxophones), it is with the time traveling aspect of the ending. This is a very hard topic to discuss as it cannot easily be explained, but the fact is that LOGICALLY the game could have never taken place if Booker was killed before the events of the game.... which by going back in time, he was. If Booker were to have been killed back then, then he would have ALWAYS been dead & therefore the Booker that you were playing as through the game would not exist. Not only that, but if you go by the game's own (somewhat flawed) logic of an infinite number of possible outcomes to every decision, then the ending still comes completely unraveled.... they only killed ONE version of Booker in ONE realm. That still leaves the possibility of Comstock (or perhaps an even worse version of Booker) coming into existence in other realms. I mean, what is stopping a different realm's Booker from refusing to be drowned & killing the Elizabeths that were drowning him? They accomplished nothing by killing the obviously GOOD version of Booker that you played as....
Post edited May 30, 2013 by Roberttitus