Siannah: First: I'm not against being skeptical - I'm all for it. But you should be sure you actually have a witch before you burn it, not the other way around.
Second: don't you forget something in your example? Yes, bias is around and will always be. In the end none of us can claim to be completely unbiased in all situations. However, if someone's all for playing ball, his customers WILL notice that, with the result of lesser customers / buyers.
In short: no credibility, no clientele. No clientele, no business.
As I read it, Jamotide's comment is textbook skepticism. The only poster I can see discussing burning metaphorical witches is you. I'm probably reading 'bought' too generously.
Your second point is logical enough. Gamespot is still a going concern, though, despite evidence that they've bent to seller pressure in the past. Certainly, I agree with you that customer savvy partially offsets industry influence. Given that viewpoint, though, why bash the skeptics? They're a significant part of the correcting mechanism.
I guess we're going in circles. No offense to you intended in anything I've said.