Posted October 15, 2013

So with that in mind I basically tried to go for a computer with the highest number nVidia card that was under my price limit. Hence the one I linked to.
My budget is ~$700. I could stretch it to $800 if it's really that big of a problem, but I'd prefer not to.
And as everyone else said, your RAM is fine with that. The power supply is really low if you want decent graphics. And the graphics is pretty bad if you want to play decent games.
I'm not sure about the processor though. I don't know if getting another computer with an i5 is a good idea. I feel like it would just cause problems a couple years down the road. And I don't know anything about the AMD CPU's, so I cant say if that's a good one on the first computer.
Edit: Also, if your budget is hanging out at 700ish, you may wish to consider just keeping your laptop and getting an XBOX One or PS4 and grabbing a few next-gen games, if you're up for console-playing. It may be more bang for your buck and you won't have to worry about maintenance and whatnot so much.
Post edited October 15, 2013 by Tallima