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sam_higton: How could I have overlooked this game for so long?!
Thanks for the suggestions everybody
CymTyr: It's quite an easy game to overlook, it was developed by Iron Lore, which was and in some cases still is a noname company. I enjoyed it quite a bit and spent hundreds of hours with the game before Immortal Throne was released.
I never did get the expansion for it, but might pick up the Gold edition soon, we'll see.
It's just a shame that Iron Lore went out of business.

Also people I know who have played it, and just the first few sections of the first act are missing out. The game really opens up in a big way as you go and it's just a lot of fun. I never did get to play the expansion but if they put DS2 on here with the expansion, I'll just rebuy the game.
DS2 was one of my favorite action rpgs to date, despite the sometimes questionable voice overs and dated graphics.
I <3 DS2. Expac for it is quite nice too, but VERY challenging beyond the initial difficulty. Like, so challenging I got one shotted several times by the first boss in it LOL.
Anyway cheers to that, BD! I'm finding we have a lot we agree on.
I played a lot of RPGs with some friends.
I suggest we make a list or something, not only for rpgs, but for every good old game out there you can play (in coop, that is). I know there are some lists out there, but often when i look for coop i come across games like Command & Conquer and so, which is multiplayer, but not coop.
So i'm posting every rpg i can imagine now, i know you posted a lot of them already.
Diablo II [+ LOD]
Dungeon Siege (not that good imho)
Dungeon Siege 2 (see Dungen Siege)
Space Siege (uh..even worse, the gameplay itself. MP is ok if you look at what they did to that game :/)
Titan Quest [add on existing](if Diablo II is 100%, this is 80% or so. Fun, but not overwhelming)
Silverfall (Bugs, but still fun)
Silverfall - Earth Awakening (stand alone expansion, less bugs)
Sacred (it was fun a while, but didn't complete it.. its just to long if you want to do everything, and gets boring. Play it fast, then its more fun)
Sacred 2 (i only played the demo, and no multiplayer, but seems like Sacred)
"Real" RPG:
Neverwinter Nights (had LOTS of fun, with original campaign and several fan made modules, in multiplayer and singleplayer)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (i must admit, i didn't play it that much in mp yet, but i started singleplayer, seems solid enough)
Baldurs Gate (it's slower then NWN i would say, and i didn't like it that much, but it is ok)
Baldurs Gate 2 (like Baldurs Gate)
Icewind Dale (never played it though)
System Shock 2 (with coop mod/fan patch. Try it, its fun)
Tactical RPGs:
Fallout: Tactics (singleplayer was great, even if it was less rpg then Fallout 1&2, didn't play it in mp yet, but i would say it would be nice)
Jagged Alliance (i have to say, i didn't play JA (and JA2) really long, but a lot of people love it. At least for JA2 there is a mod out there afaik, who gives you some multiplayer/coop)
Jagged Alliance 2 (see Jagged Alliance)
This last categorie isn't that much role playing often, and multiplayer/coop isn't always that easy to achieve, but some elements are there/it's possible.
As i did not play all the games on my list, i can not assure you it has real coop, but they are supposed to have.
So far
Aurion: I played a lot of RPGs with some friends.
I suggest we make a list or something, not only for rpgs, but for every good old game out there you can play (in coop, that is). I know there are some lists out there, but often when i look for coop i come across games like Command & Conquer and so, which is multiplayer, but not coop.
So i'm posting every rpg i can imagine now, i know you posted a lot of them already.
Diablo II [+ LOD]
Dungeon Siege (not that good imho)
Dungeon Siege 2 (see Dungen Siege)
Space Siege (uh..even worse, the gameplay itself. MP is ok if you look at what they did to that game :/)
Titan Quest [add on existing](if Diablo II is 100%, this is 80% or so. Fun, but not overwhelming)
Silverfall (Bugs, but still fun)
Silverfall - Earth Awakening (stand alone expansion, less bugs)
Sacred (it was fun a while, but didn't complete it.. its just to long if you want to do everything, and gets boring. Play it fast, then its more fun)
Sacred 2 (i only played the demo, and no multiplayer, but seems like Sacred)
"Real" RPG:
Neverwinter Nights (had LOTS of fun, with original campaign and several fan made modules, in multiplayer and singleplayer)
Neverwinter Nights 2 (i must admit, i didn't play it that much in mp yet, but i started singleplayer, seems solid enough)
Baldurs Gate (it's slower then NWN i would say, and i didn't like it that much, but it is ok)
Baldurs Gate 2 (like Baldurs Gate)
Icewind Dale (never played it though)
System Shock 2 (with coop mod/fan patch. Try it, its fun)
Tactical RPGs:
Fallout: Tactics (singleplayer was great, even if it was less rpg then Fallout 1&2, didn't play it in mp yet, but i would say it would be nice)
Jagged Alliance (i have to say, i didn't play JA (and JA2) really long, but a lot of people love it. At least for JA2 there is a mod out there afaik, who gives you some multiplayer/coop)
Jagged Alliance 2 (see Jagged Alliance)
This last categorie isn't that much role playing often, and multiplayer/coop isn't always that easy to achieve, but some elements are there/it's possible.
As i did not play all the games on my list, i can not assure you it has real coop, but they are supposed to have.
So far

I am playing Sacred 2 on and off right now, but I could sure use some help with building a specific type of character. I'm having trouble figuring out what to take to maximize what I want. The games good, it's just really got a lot of depth, which is actually a great thing. I wish they had a character planner app like CoH/V does so I could play around with different skills and stats to see what the outcomes could be. It's tough because investing all that time in the game and messing stuff up is a possiblity, unless you can respec your character? Anyway, I really enjoy that game.
If it's as good as you are saying, it's only a matter of time until someone will at least list all skills with how much damage they do on each level and that stuff, if not even make a calculator/editor like for D2. Heck, even TitanQuest had a skill calculator
Also usually i just skill and play like i want, i don't read that much guides and stuff, not before i have played it at least once. It's just to complicated and takes away the fun anyways if you have to stick to some plan without even knowing what you are doing.
I did a quick search and didn't find much useful like a calculator, editor or guides, i guess it's just to new. Just wait until it finds its way into GOG, if there isn't anything useful out by then..well ;)
sam_higton: Recently, me and a flat mate have been playing a lot of dungeon siege cooperatively. We've been having a wail of a time, but we're getting pretty close to completion and looking for something else.

Yes, Dungeon Siege 2 is probably the best coop RPG game for non/rare RPG players. If you have completed DS2, try the expansion Broken World. Also, do try Dungeon Siege 1 & it's expansion Legends of Aranna.
You shouldn't restrict yourself to just GOG games. There's plenty of great excellent coop RPG games out there. Do try infamous BioWare games like Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale series & Neverwinter Nights series. All are coop multiplayer.
If you have a PS2/XBOX1/GameCube then try Dark Alliance series (split-screen coop).
I too am looking for more excellent outstanding coop RPG games to play. Though I haven't and will never go into MMORPG.
Now that's what I call thread necromancy...
Allow me to squirt Borderlands over the twitching corpse
Post edited June 17, 2010 by Aliasalpha
Damn. Thought it was a new thread. I could use a new game for the Lan sessions with my neighbour.
Necromancy and no uruk in sight? That seems weird. Maybe it was one of his minions.
Vitek: Necromancy and no uruk in sight? That seems weird. Maybe it was one of his minions.

Well it is a topic about co-op. Perhaps it was two or more minions working in tandem.
Vitek: Necromancy and no uruk in sight? That seems weird. Maybe it was one of his minions.
EndlessKnight: Well it is a topic about co-op. Perhaps it was two or more minions working in tandem.

You know him, he hates competitors!
Vitek: Necromancy and no uruk in sight? That seems weird. Maybe it was one of his minions.

What are you talking about? I killed him last week with my Long Sword +5 (Acid).
It wasn't even hard at all. Even a kobold took more effort to decapitate than that.
Post edited June 18, 2010 by lowyhong
Decapitate? He's probably reforming and plotting his revenge.
The "Tales of " series has co-op in all their games. Starting with Symphonia, four player co-op is available.