termit: As far as I remember Keen 6 started with the Apogee splash screen, so I'd guess the distribution rights at least are theirs. Whether or not they still hold them or are released back to ID is anyone's guess, but I very much doubt it is legal abandonware.
hedwards: There is no Keen 6. The Keen series was episodes 1-5 with a 6th planned for later. But that was never made because iD shifted resources over to Wolfenstein 3D and the like.
There were a couple of other Keen games, Aliens Ate My Babysitter and Keen Dreams were others. But, they weren't connected to episodes 1-5 as they didn't have anything to do with that plot arch.
Ghostbreed: I could always buy it on eBay. But I have no Floppy drive.
hedwards: You must be rich, the only copy I see on eBay is $500.
Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter! is Keen 6. For commercial reasons the second trilogy was split into the shareware release,
Goodbye, Galaxy! (Keens 4 and 5), and a commercial only release,
Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter! (Keen 6).
The distribution rights to Keen 6 are (as far as I know) held by Atari, SA. Good luck getting anything out of them, though.