DProject: Also, how I pinned my 2nd knight with my pawns: if you look at the match again, you'll notice I never moved that piece :)
Yes, I was very aware of that (I was like "and he still has that knight... ah no, wait, he doesn't have it, lol"), but at the same time you had pinned my knight and bishop a similar way, at that point. I had even more pieces locked up on that side than you, by the very pawns that were blocking your own knight, so I coudn't exploit it to balance our forces.
It's always important to liberate our pieces as soon as possible. I was dominating the board, early, because I had been busy doing that while you were playing pawns on the borders of the board. And I think that you could have ended up very much tied, if I hadn't carelessly lost a series of active pieces. Near the end, you reversed this : you developed that left side of yours, while I had postponed the launch of my remaining pieces for too long. I think that the real tipping point was not even my lost pieces (also, very much "d'oh"), but the pawns you advanced before me, on your left, in the second half of the game. From then on, you were deciding what was happening in the center, while I had been controlling it until then - with my own pawns and thingies on your right side, before all that thing got cleared up.
Al least that's how I remember the game. Two rounds, a right one and a left one. I had the initiative in the first, right-half, round. I lost it with a few mistakes, and in the second, left-half, round, you took the initiative. And well, not enough room for a third round on a chessboard...
But you were much more attentive than me. I made too many mistakes, and you spotted them all. Except one fun little one at the end (it had ceased to matter), when I made your soon-checkmating tower back away from my king, by threatening it with a bishop that I had stupidly (again!) placed right under your pawn. You could have spared us quite a few turns if you had just taken the bishop with your pawn, instead of securing your tower...
I wish you'd have shown such distraction a bit earlier.