I loved the original Far Cry (yeah, i didn't mind Trigens), i didn't really like Crysis though, it was a bit too short, and ended on a miniboss, i've felt like the sharewares were back again. And, well, Crysis didn't let me be as diverse as Far Cry did. I do hope Crysis 2 will be a little more open on that matter. A city is always a nice premise, but usually ends up a a closed environment, like, hmm... FEAR2. All doors locked, what used to be a passage is now blocked by a crashed airplane and such. But if, (and considering it's EA, IF is a very exaggerated term) they make the worldmap a bit more open, with a lot of offices, rooms, toilets, parking lots, the game would be awesome, i'd love to play MP on a map with a few large buildings in which most of the rooms are accessible...
But wish i may..:D
Let's just hope they won't repeat all the mistakes they did in Crysis [i'm one of those who loved the game they've shown in the TechDemos, and utterly hated the final product]