Posted February 26, 2012

Not bad ! , yes you are right I eat dairy products (as a lacto-Vegetarian) , but not animal parts or other kinds of derivatives such as egg , animal fat , fish , fowl , whatever...
(I only eat plant substances , dairy products and oh yes honey......
Reminds me , I need a "Honey" ;-)
By the way , nice article that you referred to ( )

Anyway , I think theat most vegetarians that abstain from eating eggs do it for ethical reasons because they ("in an eggshell") see the egg as an undeveloped ready made organism that is alive, or have the potential for life, of that which is (life) at "animal level" (one could argue that everything is alive - and some does that exactly - anywway , being a vegetarian is somewhat of a "luxury attitude" to take/have as not all people lives or are born in a place where it is even possible - though some lives and are born in places where it is very much possible and would make great sense to make such a choice - it takes far more plant material to make meat than to eat than what you have to use of plant material to feed a person... )
Post edited February 26, 2012 by FiatLux