Posted January 27, 2012
I stated previously on other threads, I'd love if novalogic comes to GOG.
Here's what we've been talking about, DF:AF
MobiusArcher: I did not mean to imply that you didn't know what a beta was or anything. Its just that in recent years a beta test has turned into some preorder bonus, and/or something meant to get people interested in the game. That is not what this one is right now, and I think that the requirements are there so that people who do think that's what a beta test is don't get in. I certainly wasn't trying to criticize you. I understand, no problem. Indeed it is being used as a marketing tool: get a near-final version of the game and release to people saying it is an alpha or beta but, but, only if you pre-order the game you can play that. That's bad as on-disc DLC. :/
I don't know if novalogic is being serious about it or not, to only get the really interested and hardcore people in, or if they are just using it as a scam or whoever knows what.
Here's what we've been talking about, DF:AF

I don't know if novalogic is being serious about it or not, to only get the really interested and hardcore people in, or if they are just using it as a scam or whoever knows what.