Posted October 05, 2013
She woke up with a gasp of breath.
"where am I?" she thought "w-...why my hands are tied? I.. I can't see! What is happening!?"
She tried to get rid of her restraints, but with no avail. She was stuck. Stuck and lying on something hard, nowhere to go. Her eyes were covered with a tight blindfold, her feet were tied together and no matter how hard she tried, she could not get free. The room she was in was damp, cold and it smelled of mold. Then, a sudden sound interrupted her struggling.
"was that a door? Footsteps! I can hear footsteps!"
"H-Hello?" she said faintly "Is anyone there? Where.. where am I?"
No response. But she was sure someone was there, the footsteps became more audible. And they were picking up the pace.
"I can hear you, please he--..."Her pleas were interrupted with a sharp pain, her head swayed sideways when something struck. She could taste the iron inside her mouth. She was struck again. And again.
"Silence, girl" Said someone "You do not speak unless you're asked to"
"I know that voice. She... why? Why am I here? Wait... they left me here? They left me here with her? They... they betrayed me!"
"You..." she said while spitting out some blood "please don't do this.."
Another punch, her eyes got teary from the pain.
"I trusted them, how could they do this. How could I be so blind.."
"Who is your master, girl! Tell me and I promise your salvation will be quick"
"Master? What master? What is she talking about? What have they told her..?"
"Speak, Williams, or I will pluck out those pretty eyes of yours!" said the voice, clearly agitated
"I don't know what you're talki--..." A sharp punch interrupted her again, causing her head slump to the side. She was struggling to stay conscious, to stay alive.
"Come closer... Just let me touch your head. That's all I need, a small, quick touch.."
Her thoughts couldn't stay clear much longer, they were once again interrupted by a flurry of sharp punches. She didn't know how long they continued, she didn't care. All she could think was the pain, and the ways to get it to end. The questioning continued, she couldn't answer the questions. She didn't want to answer them.
"We found him" said a muffled voice, clearly from somewhere outside the room, interrupting the pain. She could hear footsteps again, this time they were going away from her. She felt relief.
Hours and hours passed in complete silence. She thought she was left alone. She was wrong, the sweet silence was again broken.
"Tell me, girl, do you know history? Do you know how your kind came to be?"
"where am I?" she thought "w-...why my hands are tied? I.. I can't see! What is happening!?"
She tried to get rid of her restraints, but with no avail. She was stuck. Stuck and lying on something hard, nowhere to go. Her eyes were covered with a tight blindfold, her feet were tied together and no matter how hard she tried, she could not get free. The room she was in was damp, cold and it smelled of mold. Then, a sudden sound interrupted her struggling.
"was that a door? Footsteps! I can hear footsteps!"
"H-Hello?" she said faintly "Is anyone there? Where.. where am I?"
No response. But she was sure someone was there, the footsteps became more audible. And they were picking up the pace.
"I can hear you, please he--..."Her pleas were interrupted with a sharp pain, her head swayed sideways when something struck. She could taste the iron inside her mouth. She was struck again. And again.
"Silence, girl" Said someone "You do not speak unless you're asked to"
"I know that voice. She... why? Why am I here? Wait... they left me here? They left me here with her? They... they betrayed me!"
"You..." she said while spitting out some blood "please don't do this.."
Another punch, her eyes got teary from the pain.
"I trusted them, how could they do this. How could I be so blind.."
"Who is your master, girl! Tell me and I promise your salvation will be quick"
"Master? What master? What is she talking about? What have they told her..?"
"Speak, Williams, or I will pluck out those pretty eyes of yours!" said the voice, clearly agitated
"I don't know what you're talki--..." A sharp punch interrupted her again, causing her head slump to the side. She was struggling to stay conscious, to stay alive.
"Come closer... Just let me touch your head. That's all I need, a small, quick touch.."
Her thoughts couldn't stay clear much longer, they were once again interrupted by a flurry of sharp punches. She didn't know how long they continued, she didn't care. All she could think was the pain, and the ways to get it to end. The questioning continued, she couldn't answer the questions. She didn't want to answer them.
"We found him" said a muffled voice, clearly from somewhere outside the room, interrupting the pain. She could hear footsteps again, this time they were going away from her. She felt relief.
Hours and hours passed in complete silence. She thought she was left alone. She was wrong, the sweet silence was again broken.
"Tell me, girl, do you know history? Do you know how your kind came to be?"