darthspudius: Does this piss anyone else off? I feel like I am in my own little bubble right now.
JMich: Quick questions.
Does it bother you that they are staring at their phones or that they are spending time on social networks?
Would them talking on the phone or playing games on it be better or worse?
Would them surfing the web and/or social networks on the computer be preferrable?
What if they are checking e-mails or sending reports?
Extra question. Would them doing whatever they are doing with face to face communication instead of through their phone annoy you as much?
1. Both... it's not healthy and I HATE people obsessing over social networking.
2. No, constantly yapping on the phone is quite annoying however that is what they are made for. As for gaming, I feel the same way I do about portable social networking and camera phones... it fucking sucks. We shouldn't be buying phones to play games.
3. Social networking as a whole bothers me. I don't mind it on light occasions but when it becomes obsessive it's just as bad either way.
4. Nothing wrong with checking emails, I do it on my phone. A fairly harmless task and quite useful on the go (not when you're walking into traffic). However constant *BEEP BEEP BEEP* when someone on facebook wants you to know they've had a big shite and are feeling needy is extremely annoying.
Extra Question: I miss the days when people would arrange a time to do it face to face. It is atleast a lot healthier (and you could slap the needy little shits in the face! :P).
Are we done trying to make me sound little a miserable, grumpy old shite? :D