Posted May 01, 2014

It wore on me hearing about all this cut content again and again and again. It felt like the devs were frustrated with it, like they wanted to make something so much bigger. This is in contrast to Alan Wakes dev commentary which only talked about all the stuff that was actually in the game, those devs seemed excited at what they made.
More on the article itself, I found this rather insulting: “It’s not a process that any fan will truly understand. They’re usually oblivious to what’s going on, harping on what color the sails should be while the hull is rapidly leaking water. Which is a strange dissonance from our perspective, let me tell you.”
I feel that in the end it's the gamer who decides what is a 'leaky hull' and what is a 'wrongly coloured sail'. Devs may have their reasons for why things are like they are in a game but we're the ones who end up paying for that in whether we're entertained or not and those reasons are irrelevant to that.