Faithful: Eschalon: Book II released Today! Yeah! :o)
Eschalon: Book II I own Book I and downloaded the demo to play (well full version demo limited w/o key). The graphic changes are nice - the ability to set 'rules' before starting a game is pretty nifty too. Don't much care for how they reorganized the interface, but it could grown on me I guess.
Quest log is much nicer, as are the other secondary screens - they have definitely taken their lessons to heart. One thing I don't care for is that the windowed resolution (which I prefer for Eschalon Book I) is much larger than previously, making it so that part of the screen gets cut off no matter what at my desktop resolution (1366x768 - the windowed resolution is 1024x768 and the title bar & borders take up too much room :/).
Gonna futz with the demo a bit, not really in the market for any new games right now but I may have to put this on a future purchase list.