Cameron: Fallen Earth is not beginner friendly at all. It's rich in concept, but unfortunately poor in execution. I really wanted to love this game but after a few months I realized it wasn't meant to be
tacitus59: Thats interesting - how so? I am not overly experienced with MMOs - 1day playing LOTRO, about 6 weeks playing Conan-the-trainwreak and of my much-briefer-than-your tenure at Fallen Earth. (and that was beta).
Well for starters everything in the game is player-craftable. I've heard that this makes the game fun later on, but in the beginning it's pretty annoying when you have to kill things to complete a quest but you're out of ammo and need to find the materials and pattern to create said ammo you need. The other option being paying for overpriced items on the Auction-house.
As a result, you spend a lot of time running around the wasteland avoiding combat trying to find nodes to scavenge raw materials from (think mining or herbalism in WoW).
Perhaps most frustrating is the combat system though. It plays like a FPS on the screen but more like an RPG behind the scenes. This creates issues killing things, which is a requirement for most quests.
Finally, the world feels really empty (as it should I suppose) making it possible to play for hours without encountering a single player.
One other thing, in the tutorial you play as a level40 and get to use all these cool weapons but then - oh! - you're back to level one soon realizing to return to level 40 you're in for quite the grind.
I'd probably play this game if it had no monthly fee, but currently, at it's 13.99/month price it's just not worth it imo. Hopefully they fix some of the issues in future patches (by all accounts the devs are great and listen to the community etc.)