-snip quotes-
The problem with the "DD aren't dumb enough to stock Steamworks games" arguement is that, well, [url=http://www.direct2drive.co.uk/7560/product/Buy-Warhammer-40,000:-Dawn-of-War-II-Download]they[/url] [url=http://www.direct2drive.co.uk/177/7542/product/Buy-Empire:-Total-War-Download]do.[/url] Really, the whole "Not Stocking Steamworks Games" started with Modern Warfare 2. Direct 2 Drive threw a wobbler, and the rest is history.
And, honestly, I would imagine the people who sees Steam's DRM as a problem are currently in a minority, compared to the amount of people who don't, especially compared to UbiDRM and certain flavours of SecuROM. Microsoft really dropped the ball with the exacting requirements to use GfWL, Gamespy is aging and disliked, meaning that the other major out of the box multiplayer system, Steamworks, is increasing in popularity. How that will change once Impulse Reactor and Battle.net 2.0 (let's face it, it's not like Activision Blizzard to miss such an obvious money-making opportunity) becomes available to developers is another question entirely.
Post edited May 30, 2010 by DelusionsBeta