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I updated most of it, but the character limit prevents me from adding more.
The Sims medieval (4 songs). I had to rename the files as .mp3 to make it work in my player. I don't know why.
Post edited January 28, 2011 by Cambrey
Beyond Good and Evil Soundtrack from Ubisoft.
Cambrey: ...that you can legally download from official websites, blog, forums etc.

Number :
40 Stories

AION - The Tower of Eternity
Al Emmo and the lost dutchman's mine
Alfred chicken
Alone in the dark 4
Alpha prime
Amiga compilation
Angry Birds
Arcane online
Atlantica online
Auto Assault

Baldur's gate (weird remixes)
Banjo-Kazooie : nuts & bolts
Battleforge (3 songs)
Battle rage (3 songs)
Beyond divinity
Big brain wolf
Blast off

Call of Cthulhu
Captive 2 : liberation
Castle Crashers
Cave story
Clive Barker's undying
Colony wars
Company of heroes (all heroes rise)
Company of heroes (songs from the front)
Crayon physics deluxe
Crazy Ivan
Cthulhu Saves the World
Cultures 2

Dawn of war 2
Day of the tentacle
Descent 3
Deus Ex : invisible war
Divine divinity
Doom 2
Duke Nukem : total meltdown
Dungeon keeper 2
Dungeons & Dragons online

Elven legacy (2 songs)
[url=]Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom[/url]
Escape from monkey island
E.V.E online
Evochron Mercenary

Fallout 1 & 2
Flock !

[url=]Gabriel knight[/url]
Global Crisis
God of War Trilogy
Goldeneye 007
Gothic 2
Gothic 3 (2 songs)
Grim Fandango
Ground control

Henry Hatsworth
Hitman (3 songs)

Immortal cities : children of the Nile
Indiana Jones and the staff of kings
Invincible tiger

Jets 'n' Guns

King's bounty : the legend
King's bounty : armored princess
[url=]King's quest 1[/url]
King's quest 2
King's quest 3 (remake)
[url=]King's quest 4[/url]
[url=]King's quest 5[/url]
[url=]King's quest 6 CD1[/url] & [url=]CD2[/url]
[url=]King's quest 7[/url]

[url=]Leisure suit Larry 1[/url]
[url=]Leisure suit Larry 2[/url]
[url=]Leisure suit Larry 3[/url]
[url=]Leisure suit Larry 5[/url]
[url=]Leisure suit Larry 6[/url]
Leisure suit Larry 7
Lineage 2

Men of Valor
[url=]Metal Arms: Glitch in the System[/url]
[url=]Myth III: The Wolf Age[/url]

Great thread! Thanks for posting this. +1
Many of those links aren't working anymore. I hate it when companies simply wipe out entire websites for no reason... :|
oldschool: Great thread! Thanks for posting this. +1

Foxhack: Many of those links aren't working anymore. I hate it when companies simply wipe out entire websites for no reason... :|
I used to check my links every once in a while and replace them when it was necessary, but since I can't edit my OP correctly and add more soundtracks to the list, I got discouraged. The character limit has been an issue for this thread.
Sielle: Beyond Good and Evil Soundtrack from Ubisoft.
Well as expected, Ubisoft NUKED this download for some reason.

However, thanks to some enterprising fans, I've managed to locate a mirror. Well. More like 20 mirrors. Since it was freely available, and this is a mirror, I believe it's allowed, so.

Note that some forums say this download is different from an older version of the album that was up there for years. Different how? I don't know. I'd like to get my hands on that version of the soundtrack though.

Also, I'm currently going through the links and creating an updated version of this list hosted at my RateYourMusic site. It'll take me some time, but I think I can manage to do this. :)

Edit: I should also note that I will not include any any unofficial soundtracks released by fans. They're not official, so. :(
Post edited March 20, 2011 by Foxhack
Just a quick update on this:

As of right now, I have 121 official soundtrack links on the list. This includes 27 downloads by Bill Brown, 12 by CoLD SToRAGE (Tim Wright), and 8 by Mark Knight.

I've also been going through all the downloads in this thread, and removing anything that hasn't been officially released, or that has been 404ed / taken down by the publisher and is no longer easily obtainable via mirrors. I've also taken the time to look up NEW official download links for some releases, like Zombie Driver.

But that's not all!

While checking up on download links, I've stumbled upon even MORE officially released or developer sanctioned free soundtracks! And a few that aren't 100% free, but donationware (e.g. pay what you want).

My question is, should I start a new thread and link to this older list from that one, or should we keep this thread active?

It's all up to you guys now. :)
Foxhack: My question is, should I start a new thread (...)
Go for it. ;)
Allrighty. I'm taking a break for today, I'll keep working on this tomorrow. I'm halfway done going through all the links from the first post. :)
Note that some links that point out to composer's blog (such as Bill Brown, Mark Knight or Cold storage) have more soundtracks than what I listed. I thought people would figure it out anyway.
Cambrey: Note that some links that point out to composer's blog (such as Bill Brown, Mark Knight or Cold storage) have more soundtracks than what I listed. I thought people would figure it out anyway.
I know. :) I added a single link to the composer's page for every game or game series in those particular cases.
There is three songs from Lionheart Kings Crusade available on the official site.
Cassidy: There is three songs from Lionheart Kings Crusade available on the official site.
I'm just gonna copy this over from my other thread.
For those of you who want to pop something good into your MP3 player on those long journeys, here it is. Remastered and legally distributed for your enjoyment:

You can also use it with radio mods in New Vegas that let you have custom MP3s, since I believe these are of higher quality than those included in NV itself (or if you simply don't want to hear Inon Zur's music at all)

Dang, I feel ashamed of not even knowing about that thread's existence. Anyway I'm not sure if it's the same. It was uploaded in 2010, as I recall, but taken down again, and only put back up recently (few weeks/months ago?)

So I'll wager while the music's the same, they probably improved on the quality.