More power to 'em. I am really enjoying the game, and for the 10% discount price of 9 bucks, I know for a fact that I have spent 2, 3, even 4 times that in the past, for a game that dissapointed the crap outta me, and went into the dust or trash bin. The way I see it, the folks who supported it, got just what they were told they would get, and the fact that the developers may have actually done better then they hoped (and as someone above stated, who really knows what their true total costs were to complete the game and get it out) can only encourage them, and others to make enjoyable, fun, challenging games we gamers really want and appreciate. Win-win as I see it. I am sure there will be times when games will dissapoint as well, but that's also the risk we all take...word does get out, so we just have to take it upon ourselves to become as informed as we can...before supporting, or buying.