KingOfDust: Laptops keyboards tend to be pretty awful though. I'd stay away from difficult action oriented games.
Edit List above is a good one. You can add Rogue Legacy too, pretty sure you don't need a mouse for it.
I just hope you have a good, comfortable keyboard if you plan on gaming on your laptop for extended periods of time.
The keyboard on this laptop is decent, as it is a full size with 10 key. The touch pad sucks, and I can't use a mouse in my laptop, and I just can't use trackballs at all.
SCPM: Speaking from personal experience, you ought to be good with any of these games (IIRC no mouse required for any of them):
Awesome, list, thank you!
... ok I forgot to mark this as a question :(
RedRagan: Most GOG games can run well in laptop since they are old games. I bet even the Asus EEE PC can run them well. Also they also used to be keyboard only game right?
There are a lot which are not "no mouse" friendly
djranis: i uses laptop to play every single game, so to me most games works perfect on laptop, unless its a bad port or requires num pad
My main issue, is no mouse
Thanks for all the help everyone