Posted November 30, 2011
Good spot, baz.
Sorry I dropped out of this yesterday but I went away and when I came back I discovered my interent is not working and it started working late night.
I don't think neither mafia cop nor paranoid cop does make sense. Even if there were more parties why should mafia care to know which side other people are?
TwilightBard: I am however, of a different mind about Rodzaju putting his information out there early. At first I was suspicious, but then I realized, if he's town, then to me it's a similar situation to Game 5's Miller...getting the information out eliminates the ability to falseclaim, and it makes roles that could be detrimental to the town a little weaker How is it similar? For Rob as miller it was best course of action if he wanted to help town. How was this aimed to help. Even in game 5 it was discussed thjat Rob did it when not under pressure because it helped him to convince people. Rod did this when he was under "imaginary" pressure (he thought he will get lynched) and started to spill some knowledge here and there but eacch time small bit to save his skin. Robbeasy did it to help town, Rodzaju did it only to save himself no mattter cost.
Damnation: The other arguments are basically pointing out your lurking and some interesting points. But in the end, my main irk with you is that you play a lot like you did in mafia 3, which is odd as you usually have a much more scumhunting behaviour - of course, when you know who is mafia, what's the point in hunting for scum? :p Well, this is something I can't argue too much about. Yes I wasn't exactly scum-hunting but it was mainly becasue I neglected this game completely some time. I only recently re-read whole thread because at first I only read few posts to stay in touch. Yes is not good play but it's not scum play. It wasn't dependant on my alignemnt. I was just slacking and not paying attention. I think it's quite different than Game 3, where I have been directly witch-hunting.
Sorry I dropped out of this yesterday but I went away and when I came back I discovered my interent is not working and it started working late night.
I don't think neither mafia cop nor paranoid cop does make sense. Even if there were more parties why should mafia care to know which side other people are?