Posted September 12, 2012
The apogee of annihilation!
Rise of the Triad: Dark War, the amazingly aggressive, blatantly brutal, and curiously crazy classic FPS, is discounted by 60% on for the next 24 hours!
Welcome, welcome, dear HUNT trainee! I'll be your weapons allocation officer today and I feel that we're gonna have a jolly good time. A new selection of not-so-conventional weapons has just arrived in our armory. Lemme give you a quick tour! See this big one here? It's called the Flamewall. Flame-wall! Why? Well, duh! It shoots a wall of flames, silly. An unstoppable wall of blazing fire, that consumes every ounce of human flesh in its way and leaves nothing behind but delightfully charred skeletons. What? Can you use it against non-human targets? Well... I suppose so, but why would you ever want to do that? Let's move on. This! This is one of my favorites. Behold the fearsome Excalibat! Ah, I saw that doubtful expression. You think it's just a baseball bat covered in luminescent paint? Well you're wrong! It's magic. I swear it is! Insane? Who do you call insane? Wait till you get deployed in the Triads backyard. I've been there! I've seen it all! Those damn cultist will show you the true meaning of insane! Well, what are you waiting for? Grab your guns and scram! Damn rookies...
Rise of the Triad: Dark War, the planned Wolfenstien 3D sequel that happened to become so much more, is easily distinguishable from the contemporary first person shooters. It stood out so much in the genre that was still taking its first unsure steps towards maturity, that it only can now be described as underrated and underappreciated at the time of release--a fate shared by many pioneering titles. This game had Wolfenstein-grade fanatics for bad guys, Duke-worthy humor, and multi-layered level design that Doom lacked. It had a variety of multiplayer modes (for up to 11 players!), and a No One Lives Forever-esque storyline. In many ways it was foreshadowing its rivals and anticipating features of its successors. The reboot/remake that is currently developed by the revived Apogee Software is aiming to capture the charm of the classic version. But before that happens--make sure to get well-acquainted with the original.
Load the heavy guns and cripple some crazy cultists in Rise of the Triad: Dark War, for only $2.39 until Thursday, September 13 at 10:59 AM GMT.
Rise of the Triad: Dark War, the amazingly aggressive, blatantly brutal, and curiously crazy classic FPS, is discounted by 60% on for the next 24 hours!
Welcome, welcome, dear HUNT trainee! I'll be your weapons allocation officer today and I feel that we're gonna have a jolly good time. A new selection of not-so-conventional weapons has just arrived in our armory. Lemme give you a quick tour! See this big one here? It's called the Flamewall. Flame-wall! Why? Well, duh! It shoots a wall of flames, silly. An unstoppable wall of blazing fire, that consumes every ounce of human flesh in its way and leaves nothing behind but delightfully charred skeletons. What? Can you use it against non-human targets? Well... I suppose so, but why would you ever want to do that? Let's move on. This! This is one of my favorites. Behold the fearsome Excalibat! Ah, I saw that doubtful expression. You think it's just a baseball bat covered in luminescent paint? Well you're wrong! It's magic. I swear it is! Insane? Who do you call insane? Wait till you get deployed in the Triads backyard. I've been there! I've seen it all! Those damn cultist will show you the true meaning of insane! Well, what are you waiting for? Grab your guns and scram! Damn rookies...
Rise of the Triad: Dark War, the planned Wolfenstien 3D sequel that happened to become so much more, is easily distinguishable from the contemporary first person shooters. It stood out so much in the genre that was still taking its first unsure steps towards maturity, that it only can now be described as underrated and underappreciated at the time of release--a fate shared by many pioneering titles. This game had Wolfenstein-grade fanatics for bad guys, Duke-worthy humor, and multi-layered level design that Doom lacked. It had a variety of multiplayer modes (for up to 11 players!), and a No One Lives Forever-esque storyline. In many ways it was foreshadowing its rivals and anticipating features of its successors. The reboot/remake that is currently developed by the revived Apogee Software is aiming to capture the charm of the classic version. But before that happens--make sure to get well-acquainted with the original.
Load the heavy guns and cripple some crazy cultists in Rise of the Triad: Dark War, for only $2.39 until Thursday, September 13 at 10:59 AM GMT.