Posted October 18, 2014

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria

One man army
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted October 18, 2014
I don't find that necessarily important. I think the Mark version and the fact 2 players have the same exact ship model is far more interesting.

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted October 18, 2014
There is a model of ship in the OP, yes. The OP also states that this particular ship fell victim to some sort of attack, and I assume it's what, in a flavour sense, floats by us every now and then when Telika gives us vote counts.
I mention my model of fighter now, only so that in future when I claim (the need almost always arises), and I have to mention my ship model, no one can go back to books' post and say,"CSPVG found that model number here, and that's why I don't believe his claim."
Of course, you could think that doing so now is simply a clever scum ploy, but I can't help that. You'll have to take my word for it.
I mention my model of fighter now, only so that in future when I claim (the need almost always arises), and I have to mention my ship model, no one can go back to books' post and say,"CSPVG found that model number here, and that's why I don't believe his claim."
Of course, you could think that doing so now is simply a clever scum ploy, but I can't help that. You'll have to take my word for it.

One man army
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted October 18, 2014
To clarify, I find it interesting 2 players have the same exact ship model considering adalia's role claim.

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted October 18, 2014
Blimey - is that Adalia lynched? I was all for putting pressure on, but I get the feeling thats gone through a little quickly...

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted October 18, 2014
Yogsloth has 1 vote, by Adaliabooks.
Adaliabooks has 7 votes, by Robbeasy, Yogsloth, Mrkgnao, Krypsyn, Flubbucket, CSPVG and Dedoporno.
HijacK, Vitek, Trentolf, Sage103082 and DarkoD13 aren't voting.
The radio deliberations come to a halt when an agreement is reached about the most likely pilot to have betrayed the squadron. The formation suddenly breaks, and all ships target the Adaliabooks, a bulky and powerful Iniurfas Mark IV, which responds immediately with fast evasive manoeuvers and counter-fire, before lining up behind a Nisk fighter. The comms channels get saturated with a fervent "Pristine Olips-" scream, interrupted as the concentrated fire of the squadron turns the treacherous Iniurfas into a fire comet. The caracteristic black shape of an external Dantagol launcher swirls amongst the other debris, sending a shiver down the spine of the Nisk pilots who imagine what these undetectable "silent torpedoes" could have achieved if successfully turned against them...
The Adaliabooks is destroyed. It was piloted by 'Twitch', a MAFIA STRONGMAN.
The Olipsi flotilla instantly exploits the event, by swooping upon the squadron without giving it a chance to reassemble. Dispersed, the Nisk ships concentrate on individual survival, and no radio exchange is sent for a while.
Adaliabooks has 7 votes, by Robbeasy, Yogsloth, Mrkgnao, Krypsyn, Flubbucket, CSPVG and Dedoporno.
HijacK, Vitek, Trentolf, Sage103082 and DarkoD13 aren't voting.
The radio deliberations come to a halt when an agreement is reached about the most likely pilot to have betrayed the squadron. The formation suddenly breaks, and all ships target the Adaliabooks, a bulky and powerful Iniurfas Mark IV, which responds immediately with fast evasive manoeuvers and counter-fire, before lining up behind a Nisk fighter. The comms channels get saturated with a fervent "Pristine Olips-" scream, interrupted as the concentrated fire of the squadron turns the treacherous Iniurfas into a fire comet. The caracteristic black shape of an external Dantagol launcher swirls amongst the other debris, sending a shiver down the spine of the Nisk pilots who imagine what these undetectable "silent torpedoes" could have achieved if successfully turned against them...
The Adaliabooks is destroyed. It was piloted by 'Twitch', a MAFIA STRONGMAN.
The Olipsi flotilla instantly exploits the event, by swooping upon the squadron without giving it a chance to reassemble. Dispersed, the Nisk ships concentrate on individual survival, and no radio exchange is sent for a while.
Post edited October 22, 2014 by Telika

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland
Posted October 22, 2014
The squadron reforms, and, as expected, not every ship has survived. One more Iniurfas Mark II has been shot to pieces during the attack. However, quick tactical analysis shows that it couldn't have been destroyed by the Olipsi fighters either. This means that there are still other traitors within the squadron.
The Flubbucket is destroyed. It was piloted by 'Stutter', a VANILLA TOWNIE.
The Flubbucket is destroyed. It was piloted by 'Stutter', a VANILLA TOWNIE.
Post edited October 22, 2014 by Telika

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 22, 2014
Right then. Back at it. :)
First off, I want to give a shout out to my homie a-books. His last-second gambit certainly made things interesting. I don’t think he was close to pulling it off, but it was a fun and creative spanner to attempt to throw into the works. Well played and see ya on the flipside!
Also an RIP for flub, whose vanilla flavor will certainly be missed, especially as he was really more rocky road.
Overall, I think Day #1 could not have gone better. Not only did we have a successful lynch, but there was so much additional information lying about, that as long as we are careful and diligent in how we sift through it, there is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to succeed today as well.
First up, let’s start by looking through several posts made by adaliabooks over the course of the day. Here are a few that I think are worth evaluating:
adaliabooks: Well... assuming the normal ratio of scum the we probably have 3 or 4 scum. So say... rounded to about 5 in 7? We hashed that out a little bit - do we need to re-visit?
adaliabooks: The only two players who are standing out to me are yogsloth and Vitek.
Vitek just seems to be a little... defensive? Nothing major, just seems to stand out more than anyone else to me at the moment.
adaliabooks: If I was pushed to make a list...
yogsloth - for trying to push us out of RVS, perhaps to make us vote foolishly and lynch a townie?
HijacK - because his sudden change of play style is somewhat suspicious
And I'm not sure I can find a third right now. Everyone else seems to have a few slight behaviour anomalies but nothing that comes off as largely anti town. Note the switch in his "suspects" from Vitek to HijacK.
adaliabooks: I didn't blindly follow CSPVG's suggestion without thinking, I considered it and decided what the best course of action might be, which happened to be to make a list and see what reaction it gets.
adaliabooks: The possibility of 4 scum was purely working the numbers. JMich said last game it was usually 25% of total players, which is 13, so 4.25. But the mafiascum wiki kind of suggests it's rare to get more than 3, hence why I said 3 or 4. This again.
adaliabooks: As I don't seem to have had much luck with listing scum suspects I'll take a different approach and say who I'm feeling is probably town.
So far, mrkgnao, flub and trent are seeming to be quite pro town I think. I know some people have said trent seems to be playing like he was last game, but I don't really see that. mrkgnao and flub both seem to be asking good questions and searching out information.
I don't really see CSPVG (Civil Servant Playing Video Games?) as being that lurking, not at this point in the game. He has probably posted less than others, but when he has he is contributing, so I'm not willing to write him off yet.
adaliabooks: Admittedly looking back through the thread he [CSPVG] hasn't posted quite as often as I'd thought, but like I said, that seems to be his style and his last post wasn't just the waffling I would expect from someone who is definitely lurking (like Quadr last game).
I just think we rushed to lynch him day 2 last game, based purely on his lurking, and made a big mistake. I know we can't use play style and previous form as our only factor to judge people, but it has to come into the equation. Note that I’m discounting the whole “I’m a train” bit, as I interpret that as purely flippant.
I have more to review, but this is a start, I think.
First off, I want to give a shout out to my homie a-books. His last-second gambit certainly made things interesting. I don’t think he was close to pulling it off, but it was a fun and creative spanner to attempt to throw into the works. Well played and see ya on the flipside!
Also an RIP for flub, whose vanilla flavor will certainly be missed, especially as he was really more rocky road.
Overall, I think Day #1 could not have gone better. Not only did we have a successful lynch, but there was so much additional information lying about, that as long as we are careful and diligent in how we sift through it, there is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to succeed today as well.
First up, let’s start by looking through several posts made by adaliabooks over the course of the day. Here are a few that I think are worth evaluating:

Vitek just seems to be a little... defensive? Nothing major, just seems to stand out more than anyone else to me at the moment.

yogsloth - for trying to push us out of RVS, perhaps to make us vote foolishly and lynch a townie?
HijacK - because his sudden change of play style is somewhat suspicious
And I'm not sure I can find a third right now. Everyone else seems to have a few slight behaviour anomalies but nothing that comes off as largely anti town.

So far, mrkgnao, flub and trent are seeming to be quite pro town I think. I know some people have said trent seems to be playing like he was last game, but I don't really see that. mrkgnao and flub both seem to be asking good questions and searching out information.
I don't really see CSPVG (Civil Servant Playing Video Games?) as being that lurking, not at this point in the game. He has probably posted less than others, but when he has he is contributing, so I'm not willing to write him off yet.

I just think we rushed to lynch him day 2 last game, based purely on his lurking, and made a big mistake. I know we can't use play style and previous form as our only factor to judge people, but it has to come into the equation.
I have more to review, but this is a start, I think.

Kitten Tamer: 8
Registered: Mar 2014
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 22, 2014
...except, of course, for the single line about flub, which I added just before posting. ;)

Too Old
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted October 22, 2014
very quick off the mark there Yogsloth.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 22, 2014
Yeah, I got anxious yesterday when we were in our 4th day of "night". I put the quote references and most of the top section together and saved it on notepad. It was all going to go for nothing if I got nightkilled, so I also wrote out my "BAH!" post as well.

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted October 22, 2014
So, who among you shall be the first to suggest that I be lynched for sharing the same ship model as adaliabooks?
Moving along, one finds Robbeasy's sudden reappearance near the end of the day rather odd. By my count, he disappeared for 96 posts (#479 and #575 being the only two posts I can find of his near the end of the day).
This may simply be down to the fact that the last period of the first day advanced rather quickly (post 479 was made on the 17th; while post 575 was made on the 18th), but I feel as if Rob was merely sitting there and not contributing much to the discussion. Given, of course, that he did seem to be rather convinced of adalia's guilt from the moment he voted for him, and so could simply have felt that contributing was unnecessary.
Moving along, one finds Robbeasy's sudden reappearance near the end of the day rather odd. By my count, he disappeared for 96 posts (#479 and #575 being the only two posts I can find of his near the end of the day).
This may simply be down to the fact that the last period of the first day advanced rather quickly (post 479 was made on the 17th; while post 575 was made on the 18th), but I feel as if Rob was merely sitting there and not contributing much to the discussion. Given, of course, that he did seem to be rather convinced of adalia's guilt from the moment he voted for him, and so could simply have felt that contributing was unnecessary.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia
Posted October 22, 2014