Posted November 03, 2014
So much lurking, so little to go on.
My read back on Oct 27:
yogsloth: Neutral
CSPVG – I realize “meta” is some kind of faux pas in this game, but I can’t get away from the many instances I’ve seen of CSPVG calling out lurkers, describing lurking as a scummy activitiy, or even going so far as to name scum suspects entirely on the basis of general refusal to post or contribute. Example here. Yet here he is, “power lurking” as he says. When he does pop up, it contributes little. With so few words, how do we peg him as scum? We can’t… but the total change in thinking on the matter may be enough. I just don’t like it. I would put him on the “leaning scum” list, except it’s already over-crowded. As time has gone by, I lean more towards scumward here for that initial reason. Could just be evolving play style, but I have seen him prod others to post more, and opine that lurking is innately scummy. I feel that Day 1 lurking is more forgivable, but as the game progresses, players really should talk more instead of just vauge “don’t have much to contribute” posts.
Krypsyn says:
Krypsyn: CSPVG (Leaning Scum):
He hammered adaliabooks on Day 1. Adaliabooks was scum, so this could be seen as pro-town, however it could also be seen as scum knowing it was the end for a scum-buddy and just desiring to end the Day before more discussion can take place. He gave many reasons for voting for adalaibooks, but this could be to make his bussing more convincing, or because he wanted everyone to know why he was hammering a potential fellow townie. I don't think much can be gleaned for certain either way. Perhaps something may come to light down the road that makes the hammer vote more significant, but I haven't seen it yet.
He hasn't posted much (yes, I am aware of my hypocrisy), and the only major thing I found from him on Day 2 was his vote for Robbeasy in post 878. I don't like this vote. There had been several other players to voice agreement with mrkgnao's analysis of Robbeasy's “You see what I am doing here?” post (dedoporno 707, Sage103082 779, HijacK 875), but he was the first to place a vote. I think it is possibly scum picking up on a rationale to vote for a town player that seems to have some support. Good point on voting Robb.
Vitek says: Well, a lot, actually. I’m not too bothered by CSPVG doubting my vote on adalia, as it was early, and that could just be doubtful townie wanting more info. Ship claim was a big problem for me, though, and I’ll pick that back up soon.
Sage says:
Pretty much nothing at all.
mrkgnao says:
mrkgnao: The renewed interest in CSPVG, initiated by Robbeasy, and carried on by HijacK and Vitek, has clarified to me how vague a mental image I had of him, for obvious reasons. The only thing I felt I could say about him was "lurker".
However, I do believe I found a rather logical argument why he is more likely to be town than scum.
I do not know whether CSPVG is really scum or town, but at the moment I tend town, simply because of the argument above. Apologies for the snips. Anyone else can follow the arrow link to read the whole thing. As we discussed, I do not support this argument. I follow the logic – I just come to another conclusion.
HijacK says:
HijacK: So why even vote for him? Because someone who stays off the hook and you have no idea about is more dangerous than someone you can put on an alignment axis and simply monitor for the rest of their game. Had quadralien player the rest of game #23, I would have probably had no idea what he was. Playstyle is too shady. Too incognito. You can put an alignment on him. And the exact thing is happening with CSPVG this game. This wagon makes for strange bedfellows.
Over the last few days, CSPVG himself says:
Well, the time is now to find something to contribute. Your explanation for the flavor claim to be self-centered and short-sighted:
CSPVG: One does actually feel like it was the best thing to do. As I have stated before, I felt that when we all need to claim and I had to reveal my ship model, you'd all turn around and say,"Hey wait, that's just adalia's ship model, he's lying about his given ship model."
I felt it especially pressing since we did not only share the same ship model (Iniurfas IV), but the same function (fighterbomer). In other words, this was a hedge against some possible future scenario… on some future day in which the group spontaneously wants to claim ship models, and you planted this seed in order to appear town-like at that time? That makes no sense to me. I get wanting to survive to keep playing, but I would think one’s overall play dictates one’s relative towniness to the group. As town, there are better options to this flavor claim. Even if the group all went mad and decided to throw in ship names, you cam state your case of why this is not beneficial or necessary.
If there’s a pro-town plan here, I don’t see it. Combine it with general refusal to play, and with no better options:
I would say Vitek has taken the most active role in nominating CSPVG for lynch, so if you believe strongly that Vitek is scum, perhaps CSPVG is town by default. The dominos do seem to be stacked precariously… so perhaps HijacK is on to something.
CSPVG, please enter the game fully and help us out here. Tell me why I am so off base on my reads? Why the strategy to "power lurk"? How does this help town here on Day 2?
So much lurking, so little to go on.
My read back on Oct 27:

CSPVG – I realize “meta” is some kind of faux pas in this game, but I can’t get away from the many instances I’ve seen of CSPVG calling out lurkers, describing lurking as a scummy activitiy, or even going so far as to name scum suspects entirely on the basis of general refusal to post or contribute. Example here. Yet here he is, “power lurking” as he says. When he does pop up, it contributes little. With so few words, how do we peg him as scum? We can’t… but the total change in thinking on the matter may be enough. I just don’t like it. I would put him on the “leaning scum” list, except it’s already over-crowded.
Krypsyn says:

He hammered adaliabooks on Day 1. Adaliabooks was scum, so this could be seen as pro-town, however it could also be seen as scum knowing it was the end for a scum-buddy and just desiring to end the Day before more discussion can take place. He gave many reasons for voting for adalaibooks, but this could be to make his bussing more convincing, or because he wanted everyone to know why he was hammering a potential fellow townie. I don't think much can be gleaned for certain either way. Perhaps something may come to light down the road that makes the hammer vote more significant, but I haven't seen it yet.
He hasn't posted much (yes, I am aware of my hypocrisy), and the only major thing I found from him on Day 2 was his vote for Robbeasy in post 878. I don't like this vote. There had been several other players to voice agreement with mrkgnao's analysis of Robbeasy's “You see what I am doing here?” post (dedoporno 707, Sage103082 779, HijacK 875), but he was the first to place a vote. I think it is possibly scum picking up on a rationale to vote for a town player that seems to have some support.
Vitek says: Well, a lot, actually. I’m not too bothered by CSPVG doubting my vote on adalia, as it was early, and that could just be doubtful townie wanting more info. Ship claim was a big problem for me, though, and I’ll pick that back up soon.
Sage says:
Pretty much nothing at all.
mrkgnao says:

However, I do believe I found a rather logical argument why he is more likely to be town than scum.
I do not know whether CSPVG is really scum or town, but at the moment I tend town, simply because of the argument above.
HijacK says:

Over the last few days, CSPVG himself says:
Well, the time is now to find something to contribute. Your explanation for the flavor claim to be self-centered and short-sighted:

I felt it especially pressing since we did not only share the same ship model (Iniurfas IV), but the same function (fighterbomer).
If there’s a pro-town plan here, I don’t see it. Combine it with general refusal to play, and with no better options:
I would say Vitek has taken the most active role in nominating CSPVG for lynch, so if you believe strongly that Vitek is scum, perhaps CSPVG is town by default. The dominos do seem to be stacked precariously… so perhaps HijacK is on to something.
CSPVG, please enter the game fully and help us out here. Tell me why I am so off base on my reads? Why the strategy to "power lurk"? How does this help town here on Day 2?