JohnnyDollar: I would rather sift through some that I didn't like then limit everyone's choice because I had more games in my library than I can ever play. That sounds selfish.
I do sift through a lot that don't interest me, yet I still find on average one game per week here on GOG that I like. Most of those games take me longer than a week to beat, which means my pile of unplayed games increases. If GOG released more games, and assuming they kept the same ratio of games I'm interested in to games I'm not interested in, my pile would increase at a much larger speed.
So, I don't think they should increase their release schedule, but I do think they should vary it more. Which they do, but in a larger time frame (months) and not a shorter one (weeks).
Now, if the complaint is that you want game X, and game X only to be released on GOG, and you assume that if they release games more often, game X would appear sooner, I do doubt that is the case.
And out of curiosity, out of the 87 games released on GOG so far in 2014, what's the combined playtime of those that do interest you?