trebor8273: the only thing putting me off is the still poor sales and the lack of any rpgs.
yep also heard the rumors of a price drop after Christmas. anyone played NFS?
will be getting rid of fifa for disgaea 3 and something else if get enough for selling it
another question which would people rather have a vita or wii u?
I can wholeheartedly recommend New Little King's Story, which is really difficult to define in terms of story. It's part RPG, part dungeon crawler, part city sim, part RTS, and it makes brilliant use of the touchscreen controls. It's one of the few games that works and wouldn't work on any other console without touchscreen and physical controls.
Disgaea 3 speaks for itself :)
I'm really enjoying Dungeon Hunter: Alliance at the moment as well. It's basically an unabashed Diablo clone by Gameloft, but it works very well on the Vita. My only gripe with it is that it is clearly designed for longer play periods on the PS3, and you can only save at the beginning of each region, whereby some regions take a good 15-20 minutes to fight through.
As for NFS:MW, I'm still on the fence about whether to buy the PC or Vita version. If the Vita version really is as faithful as they say, I may buy that and get the PC version cheap later on.
With the Wii U, I'm tempted, but I'm concerned that it's going to suffer the same fate as the Wii, being flooded with tacky, shitty shovelware games. Zombi U looks impressive, and Rayman Legends would be an instabuy for me, but there's nothing else that doesn't smack of inferior port with tacky, useless control pad screen add-ons.
In fact, I'm still concerned that this fate will end up befalling the Vita, flooding us with useless, inferior ports of PS2 and PS3 titles and tacked-on touchscreen controls.