Telika: Highlander, highlander.
Same mystery as the Matrix, for me. Okay, the sequels are horrible, many people agree on that, but they oppose them to the supposedly great first opus. And this confuses me.
"There can be only one"... immortal to get the privilege of being mortal, while, uh, all the others have to, hm, die for that ? Oookay.
DCT: That whole mortallity being the prize was from Highlander 2 in the orginal the prize was the knowledge of all things and ultimate power(if memory serves) that of course IF there ever was a silly sequel that said all the immortals were from another planet.
morciu: there was supposed to be a highlander videogame a few years ago but it got canceled. It would make a nice game if done right.
DCT: Umm there was a highlander game it came out for the C64 and Amstrad CPC(probley a few others) and it sucked, there also was a Highlander game based on the cartoon series for the Jaguar CD rom and it also sucked bad..
Highlander c64 : Weird, last time i checked it said it was canceled (that was around 2008), looks like there's a chance it's gonna come out, hope it won't suck.