Wishbone: My first experience with gaming was also a Pong clone that my dad bought, only that one was hardcoded, i.e. there was no cartridge. The machine had 5 games as I recall, all of them variants of Pong even though they were called, variously, Ping Pong, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Basketball and Squash,
HeDanny: Same! I remember the machine being quite large sitting on top of the TV. I think it was by Tigervsion? not sure now. it was.. a very long time ago.
I don't remember it as being very large, even though I was a lot smaller then ;-)
But then, so many no-name Pong clones were made back then that even though we seem to remember the exact same details, they could easily be two completely different machines.
From what I remember of what it looked like, it was something like this
Ajax AU-807 console. It might even be that one, but I was 4 or 5 years old at the time, so my memory of it is kinda fuzzy.