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SimonG: I never stop gaming.

I my head, the game goes on FOREVER!
Essentially, you're playing the game of life then.
I usually limit myself to a maximum of four hours. I always drink water, and take frequent snack and bathroom breaks. After a session, I'll rest for 1-2 hours and then get back to the game.
I usually try to set myself for an hour or so of game time, at a time. Just so I can manage what else I need to do with my day. If I don't have stuff to do, actively, then I mostly will play a game for an hour or two at most, and then get tired of it and want to do something else for a while. But come back to it relatively quickly.

I used to be a lot more focused on spending as much time as possible playing games, but I am much less so now. Usually if I have some free time between classes now I'll read or just putter on the internet, or reply to emails instead of play a game unless I have a couple of hours to spare.
I once play a game for 18 (?) hours straight - putting it on pause just to take the usual bath + food because it was a holiday, a lot of places closed. and nothing good on the cinema, or tv (I only have free tv). After a while I take a good day sleep since I don't want to gamble with my life (specially blood clot).

Can't say the name of the game, since it wasn't released on gog yet (even though the game is old, and v1 is already here...)
But let just say I finish the game *twice*. Once without knowing how the game works, making it unnecessarily hard, because I try to play the game by memories, and the second time I search for tips and tricks and the manual, and the game become MUCH easier (in game save load does help - LOL - didn't notice that! I though it only between levels).

And the fact that secret levels have things that make game play easier.
Post edited September 02, 2012 by fablefox
fablefox: Can't say the name of the game, since it wasn't released on gog yet (even though the game is old, and v1 is already here...)
Look what I'm gonna do:
Mass Effect!
Battlefield 2!
Company of Heroes!
Fallout: New Vegas!

Now say the name of that game :D
Usually something between 5 min - 5 hours. Sometimes less, sometimes more.
fablefox: Can't say the name of the game, since it wasn't released on gog yet (even though the game is old, and v1 is already here...)
Fenixp: Look what I'm gonna do:
Mass Effect!
Battlefield 2!
Company of Heroes!
Fallout: New Vegas!

Now say the name of that game :D
Not on the list. Na na na na nar! :-)
well tbh, not as long as I would like - always reading the forums here lol

anyway anywhere between 30 mins and 4 hours
fablefox: Not on the list. Na na na na nar! :-)
Well I wasn't really trying to make a list, just proving that GOG's not as evil as to do anything if you mention a non-gog name, so you can feel free to go ahead and tell us :D
Generally a few hours at a time, which I might extend a bit if I think I should just finish a certain quest or I know there's some other milestone coming up. In extreme cases (F.E.A.R. 2, F.3.A.R.) this might be enough to finish a game in one sitting. If a game is particularly interesting (Planescape: Torment), the same policy might end up with me starting the game in the morning and then wondering how the hell it got so dark outside.
Depends on genre and spare time. Usually 2-4 hours a day.
fablefox: Not on the list. Na na na na nar! :-)
Fenixp: Well I wasn't really trying to make a list, just proving that GOG's not as evil as to do anything if you mention a non-gog name, so you can feel free to go ahead and tell us :D
No, I just doesn't want to feel guilty :-(
It's Magic Carpet 2.

Magic Carpet 1 is available, but not 2 :-( Will buy it the moment GOG have it available here. And Syndicate 2.
RayRay13000: Only played the Star Wars (1-3) and the first Indiana Jones Lego games and they really didn't seem all that hard. Looking at one of the walkthroughs for the first part seems pretty straight forward for the most part. Guess it's just me though :l
I've never played a LEGO game for longer than a few minutes before, so I found it very hard going at first just trying to figure out what I was supposed to do next.

My problem now, though, is I think it might actually be a bug in the game and not me that's causing me to be stuck :)

I'm in the Restricted Area, have closed off the snapping books and am now trying to get up to the upstairs level. I stand on the yellow book, Ron levitates it but no matter how many times I make the jump to the stack of books in front of me I cannot land on them. I've watched 3 Let's Plays, I'm doing exactly what those players did but Harry will NOT land on the books. I've seen a few posts online with other players having the same thing so it may be a bug?

I've spent 3 hours trying to get the darn thing to work and it won't so, at this point, I may just have to give up and call it a day as I don't feel like replaying it to that point. :(
i answered this on another thread, but truthfully, after i posted about how i only play for 10 minuets at a time, i started playing this game called Kingdoms of Amalur on ps3, and man i'm really getting sucked into that one. its fricken awsome, i got it on friday and i have put 4 hours into it already. thats pretty good for me.

I played the freaking demo for 3 hours non stop. which is odd becuase its timed for 45 minuets, but somehow it worked out. go figure.
Several hours per day.