Here are the requirements I can remember:
4 years of English
4 years of history/social studies with the last year divided into a semester each of government (US and world) and economics
General Science
Algebra 1
Algebra 2 - I don't remember if this was a requirement or elective course.
Gym - Year or semester, I forget. Leaning toward semester.
Health - Year or semester, I forget. Leaning toward semester.
maybe others I don't remember
Plus some electives per year. How many one got to pick depended upon one's year in school.
Language - Spanish, French, Latin (until Latin teacher retired), and German (hired after Latin teacher retired)
Intro to programming
Probably other electives, but those are what I remember it having (mostly ones I took plus a couple others).
Art electives, had to pick at least one:
Music Theory
Pottery, drawing, painting.... I don't know, I suck at this, so I didn't take these courses.
jjsimp: I know my worst subject was English. Mainly English Lit,
Same here, but mainly because I had some teachers who graded your interpretation (had to match theirs) or quizzed you on the minutest of details.
jjsimp: As far as the imperial system, I hate it and always will, but I fear we will never change to the metric system because it is perceived too hard to learn by your average US citizen. Which is of course insane.
I don't like the Imperial system either, but I think StingingVelvet is more correct. It's pretty cost-inhibitive to change all of the signs, etc, etc.
I don't think the metric system is more difficult, actually the opposite.