AFnord: HiB is in such a position that they can simply pick & chose what games they want in their bundle. And obviously they are picking the ones that they think will sell best, the very high profile indie(ish) titles that everyone of. And those are mainly the actiony games. I was surprised to see Shatter in there, but the other games were quite predictable, everyone who knows how HiB works could probably have guessed that these titles would find their way into a HiB. If not this one, then probably the next one.
And this is why I find Royale to be more interesting. I've still bought this HiB (Vessel looks quite fun), but I was not introduced to any new & interesting games.
Yes, I knew that most of those games will end up in HIB, although I thought they will add Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, and did not expect Shatter.
And I know they can choose what they want, but I imagine that some people could be interested in more variety in selected games.