amok: Well. I do care what Humble Bundle thinks about it, they say so quite clearly on their site. Can't say I am displeased with this turn of events.
This post is on bookmarked now, . Thanks SimonG :)
SirPrimalform: Umm, that post is regarding the 'licence splitting' that happens when you buy one licence and then give away the Steam key while keeping the DRM-free version. In this case the games are Steam only so licence splitting would be impossible in this bundle. All he wants to do is give away the extra licence, which in this case he can because the game is only available as a Steam key.
It should be obvious that that post has nothing to do with this situation. Either you weren't paying attention or just don't care enough to make relevant arguments.
I know what you mean, but it is still relevant. The licenses is between you (the buyer) and HB, it do not really involve a third party and it does not follow the steam key. Option #2 Simon is discarding for option#3 is outlined here - KneeTheCap: Amok is a troll for stating his opinions and even quoting a blue ?
SirPrimalform: To be fair, that was a blue's opinion on the matter. GOG's forum has no policy regarding the respect of HIB's ToS and until they do, I wish he'd stop banging on about it.
Well I got that in an email, sorry I can not post it:
"Hello, my superior just wrote a response in that thread.
It is not our primary task to police key sharing on our forums, but we will address such occurrences when we notice them. We don't want to block threads or even accounts over this, but we will show that we think partial key sharing is unfair.
XXXXXX Support"
Not sure how official you take that for...
And yes, I will bang on about it as long as it is still here.