Posted November 26, 2014

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted November 26, 2014
Very lame bundle. The only thing that could interest me is Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai, but I'm not giving 12$ for that one alone. We'll see what will they add in a week, but I don't believe they can pull this bundle out of the sewerage.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Watch Pignorant!
Registered: May 2014
From Portugal

Deadpan Snarker
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany

Watch Pignorant!
Registered: May 2014
From Portugal

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted November 26, 2014
Are most of those calling home (DRM) again?
It seems to be the case with the majority of HumbleBundles apks by now.
It seems to be the case with the majority of HumbleBundles apks by now.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted November 26, 2014
Oh right, I must have mind switched it with the current mobile bundle since there was a SEGA bundle there too some time ago, sorry. I'm over-worked.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 26, 2014
Glanced over the deal... being steam only i refuse to take part in it.

Original Grey
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted November 27, 2014

As for Nintendo, well sadly the WiiU isn't really doing too well. If it fails, maybe they'll decide to quit the home console business? They still seem to be successful in the handheld market, so maybe they'd focus on that. A shame they can't get more and better third-party exclusives for their console. Not sure who screwed up there. Nintendo used to have tons of great exclusives during the days of the SNES, N64 and even the Gamecube.
As for the Dreamcast, that was a real shame. I dare say it was ahead of its time in many ways. Good game selection and some interesting hardware features. If I remember correctly, Sega really screwed up the marketing for the console, especially on the European market. Funny thing is, apparently Indie developers were still developing games for it, even long after the end of its official support. For all I know, there's still some rare new releases, for like 200-300 bucks per copy. :P

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted November 27, 2014


As for Nintendo, well sadly the WiiU isn't really doing too well. If it fails, maybe they'll decide to quit the home console business? They still seem to be successful in the handheld market, so maybe they'd focus on that. A shame they can't get more and better third-party exclusives for their console. Not sure who screwed up there. Nintendo used to have tons of great exclusives during the days of the SNES, N64 and even the Gamecube.
As for the Dreamcast, that was a real shame. I dare say it was ahead of its time in many ways. Good game selection and some interesting hardware features. If I remember correctly, Sega really screwed up the marketing for the console, especially on the European market. Funny thing is, apparently Indie developers were still developing games for it, even long after the end of its official support. For all I know, there's still some rare new releases, for like 200-300 bucks per copy. :P
wii U
and their handhelds
game and watch
gameboy ( original pocket light color advance advance sp and micro )
ds ( orifinal lite dsi XL )
3DS ( original 2DS XL "new" ...noticing a theme here ? )
it was mostly nintendo who screwed the pooch with third party
they were postivley draconian in the nes era and then sega came alongw ith th magdrive and easier alooser lisencing terms and develoeprs flocked to the megadrive
and then nintendo unveiled the snes slower cpu but better colors mode 7 parallax scrolling better music chip and more fair lisencing too so the developers tend to go to the snes too
the real deal breaker were the ps1 and the n64
the ps1 because it sold like gangbusters ( 104 million all told ) and used cd's
cd's were cheap to produce and had a huge amount of storage for developers to indulge in their fmva nd cutscene fetish ..err fascination
nintendo wanted the n64 to use cardridges because these were hard to copy and because fo instant loading times but most peopel seem to think that it was because nintendo coudl keep iron control over the n64's output and skim profit margines off top
cardridges are a lot smaller then cd's ( though angel studios did manage to some how stuff resident evil 2 with fmv's in to a cardrige ) and a lot more expensive and as such a lot more risky
result : people flocked to the ps 1
the n64 squeeked by on first party titles ( zelda mario ) second party ( rare goldeneye hal labs smash bros) pokemon and a handfull of third party developers ( konami genki infogrames but other then konami no major japanese developer )
nintendo also lost square at that time and since then not a single final fantasy has found its way on a nintendo home console save rereleases of the first 6 on handhelds and crystal chronicles
the cube wa sa great machine but it looked like a lunchbox with that silly handle
and the mini cd's and memory cards made it look like a toy console
the small cd's also limited the games
a mini dvd coudl hold 1.5 gig of data while the ps2 and the xbox could hold 4.7 gig and developers for some reason werent keen on dividing their games up
most multi platform games had content cut from the cube version
the cube had some great games and decent third party support but it was demolished by the ps2
and now the wii
the wii was a phenomenal succes but the attach rate was pisspoor
if peopel bougth games beyond wii sports it was usually a handfull of nintendo games or shovel ware
a lot of games were released ont he wii but the amount sold was miniscule for the installed base
most publishers already burned by nintendo twice didnt even bother
and now we have the wii U a souped up cube with aipad as a controller not even nintendo seems to know what to do with it
a half assed online infrastructure
and almost zero to none marketing
nintendo apparantly hopes that with the wii name lightning will strikes again
a small installed base pitiful third party and much needed games trickeling in 2 years later
nintendo squandered their 2 year lead
but as i said dont count nintendo out
they have a metric ton of money amassed from the wii
pokemon is still pokemanning
and the handhelds are still going strong
but with the wii U they are floundering
sega just had a lot of thinsg working agaisnt them
almost nontsop money bleed
bad pr
the ps2 hype train
lots of bad blood over the megadrive\game gear\32x\saturn fiasco's
they just couldnt compete
funny you mention indie games
there are still indie games being released on the dreamcast most fo them 2D shmups
like radirgy
sturmwind was released last year and elysian wind is upcoming
so the dreamcast is still alive and probably sega's best console ( even though i am biased towards the saturn )

Original Grey
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted November 27, 2014
If Nintendo still had Rare software on their side ( the old Rare, not whatever is left of them now ) I think they'd be fine on the third-party side. Pretty much all of the top games during the N64 era were either directly by Nintendo or Rare titles. GoldenEye, Blast Corps, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Perfect Dark, Banjo & Kazooie + Sequel, Killer Instinct... All excellent games, most of which are still considered true classics nowadays.
Heck, Nintendo could probably get by just on their first party exclusives, if only they actually did something with all of those franchises that keep gathering dust. Whatever happened to Pilot Wings? Loved that on the N64. There's no new Metroid in sight either, as far as I know, and so far no true Zelda sequel. I really don't know what Nintendo are doing... Maybe they aren't sure, either. They have such a rich, varied pool of game franchises they could revive, but for some reason don't take advantage of it.
And they really ought to do something about that Eternal Darkness sequel. That would have been such a strong exclusive title for the WiiU. Seems that opportunity has passed, though. I hope it will be completed at all. :(
Heck, Nintendo could probably get by just on their first party exclusives, if only they actually did something with all of those franchises that keep gathering dust. Whatever happened to Pilot Wings? Loved that on the N64. There's no new Metroid in sight either, as far as I know, and so far no true Zelda sequel. I really don't know what Nintendo are doing... Maybe they aren't sure, either. They have such a rich, varied pool of game franchises they could revive, but for some reason don't take advantage of it.
And they really ought to do something about that Eternal Darkness sequel. That would have been such a strong exclusive title for the WiiU. Seems that opportunity has passed, though. I hope it will be completed at all. :(