keeveek: {snip}
Of course, there are always cheap bastards who pirate even if they could easily buy everything they want, but well, you can't change them.
"Yes you can, you can put every single one of them to jail, for years. Or letting them pay millions each for their copyright infringement."
At least that's the opinion of the legislature.
It is interesting to note, however, that in the case mentioned above by our confessor Piracy was an actual form of advertising.
Viral marketing at its best.
What does that mean, you may wonder?
Well, it means that you Sir (I'm talking to you Mr. tarunmutreja) have been the the victim of dastardly cunning and perfidiously sneaky Public Relation campaign that almost forced you instinctively to join GOG and buy your software there.
Climaxing in the most slyness of all facts that you actual feel guilty of not becoming GOGs customer earlier.
Well played GOG, well played indeed.
In other words, after stealing a Porsche you not only found out where to buy one immediately thanks to specific product placement. No you instantly bought one, and already felt guilty about not buying one 10 years ago.
Best marketing strategy I heard thus far...