OMG SHE'S ADORABLE!! Congratulations, gramps :))) Hope you teach her all the stuff her parents would rather you didn't ;) I myself am not the parent type, or don't want to be, at this point, and my own childhood was fairly - thankfully - uneventful. I do miss my grandparents though, dearly! Ever since I lost them, I feel my character has suffered for lack of their influence :.(
And thanks for the giveaway, especially so because this week I'm in.
I'm oh so in!! I got curious about the Legacy of Kain games over the summer sale and ended up reading their entire development history and lore! Absolutely gripping stuff:
The 10 Cancelled Legacy of Kains (Mama Robotnik Research Thread) The entire storyline to the Legacy of Kain series Give them a try, they're fascinating reads. You can also use them as bedtime stories. Can't start too early ;)