Posted May 20, 2014
You were very brave to face them in the manner you did! I think the police and most citizens would recommend following the guidelines taught in "How to be a victim in SA 101" and just given the crooks everything they demanded without any resistance and avoiding all eye contact.
However, this assumes criminals have attended the "How to be a criminal in SA 101" course, and know what is expected of them. Too often I've heard of people being assaulted even though they didn't put up a fight, and there's definitely a case of unnecessary and excessive violence in many crimes in South Africa. If a crook points a gun at someone and gets annoyed that they start screaming, what the hell did he expect?
To give those living outside of South Africa a bit of insight into life over here:
We're taught to always be vigilent and constantly be aware of our surroundings. But as Barefoot_Monkey has indicated, even when one thinks one is being extra careful, sometimes it still isn't enough.
We live in barricaded homes to protect us from crime. In essence we live in jails and the criminals are free to roam outside.
We report crimes to the police, but the purpose of this is really just to obtain a case number for insurance claims. We don't expect the police to take interest in a case unless there was loss of life. The last time I accompanied someone to a police station after they had been mugged and assaulted, the cop taking the statement seemed rather bored. It made me wish I was Charles Bronson.
I believe the gun laws are very strict here... at least for honest citizens. Crooks don't seem to have any difficulties using guns in any way they see fit. However, I don't have a gun and I don't know very many people who have used a gun successfully to prevent a crime. I do know many instances where people who own guns have been killed by criminals (possibly because the criminals knew they had a gun), or have used them to commit suicide, or have used them to shoot members of their own families in domestic violence.
Notwithstanding everything I have just said above, South Africa has great potential and all of its citizens will benefit if we can get a handle on the crime and corruption. Most of our citizens just want to get on with leading a decent life. There is just a small element of scumbags holding us all to ransom.