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Leroux: Yep, but I think you don't even play against the computer, AFAIk it's just a one player (occasionally vs. Monsters) game. Odd design choice indeed, hence the lukewarm reviews (among others, there'a WTF video review by TotalBiscuit).

EDIT: One comment on youtube says they ran out of money and had to cancel multiplayer, so it's kind of an abandoned project, I guess.
AFnord: I am surprised that Game's Workshop allowed a game to be released in a completely unfinished state, consider how protective they tend to be of their IPs.
By the looks of it (judging it by what TB had to say), it sounds like a complete waste of time. Oh well, that makes it easy for me to not buy the bundle.
Talisman Prologue is a glorified tech demo of Talisman rules and visual representation. It would have made sense as a free demo to showcase the engine. It certainly wasn't worth the 6€ I paid for it. It might be worth a dollar if you're interested in Talisman.

The so-called "quests" are extremely simple affairs, like "Save the princess and lead her home". So the princess follower card, and two Oger cards, are put on the "Ruins" square, and have to beat them (which will give you the princess as follower) and then reach the "Castle" square. You get a two-sentence intro that explains what you have to do, and a two-sentence congrats remark once you've completed the "quest", then the game ends and you can start the next quest.

It's not much of a game actually. Talisman was never meant to be a Solitaire game, and the devs haven't adapted the rules enough to turn it into one. There is never any sense of challenge - as soon as your life goes down, you simply target the map squares where you can replenish it. In an attempt to _bring_ a bit of challenge into the game, you can try to solve the quests as soon as possible, which gives you a bonus score. But in a game that absolutely relies on you hitting certain squares where the "quest" is taking place, and that has a movement system which gives you a 16% chance to actually hit the square you want to go to, this is obviously just a recipe for player frustration. Example: So you did kill the ogres quickly, and now just have to get to the castle to get full score, but the die simply refuses to roll the right number, and you keep missing the castle, so in the end you get just one or two points instead of three. Fun ... or not.

The game really can't stand for itself in any way. The only reason to buy it is if you want to support the "full" Talisman game that they are developing, or if you get it in a bundle that you'd buy anyway.
Hmm, they added another Steam and Desura game to this bundle.
well the games don't interest me, but the album 12-12-12 is very good!
Ian: well the games don't interest me, but the album 12-12-12 is very good!
So you bought games bundle just for music? :D
Ian: well the games don't interest me, but the album 12-12-12 is very good!
triock: So you bought games bundle just for music? :D
No, bought the cd from bandstand :)
triock: So you bought games bundle just for music? :D
Ian: No, bought the cd from bandstand :)
Makes sense. ;)
Ian: No, bought the cd from bandstand :)
triock: Makes sense. ;)
and right now happy hour is on:)
3 more games added -
King Arthur
King Arthur II + Dead Legions DLC
King Arthur: Fallen Champions
triock: Dead Legions DLC
King Arthur: Fallen Champions
Damn :P Anyone has spare kays? :D
keeveek: Damn :P Anyone has spare kays? :D
I think there is only one key for all this games. ;)
Post edited February 23, 2013 by triock
triock: I think there is only one key for all this games. ;)
Oh, in that case, I don't want that. I already have KA1.
It looks like there are a lot of negative reviews for the KA series. Does anyone who has played them have any comments?
Does anyone know anything about Fibrillation? That's really the only one that interests me much that I don't already have.
Qwertyman: Does anyone know anything about Fibrillation? That's really the only one that interests me much that I don't already have.
I know it's $2 on it's own and it's relatively short from what I've heard.

Got it in the last Bundle In a Box and have yet to play it.