OmarTheSyrian: 16 HOURS!!
who's is going to play a games for 16 hours in one session??
What about GOG version?
Melhelix: I'm, um, guilty of lengthier sessions than that. *cough* Especially with things like HoMM III and Age of Empires II. Also Spiderwebs games... yeah. *cough*
oh man, I didn't even play M&B for that long...
OmarTheSyrian: 16 HOURS!!
who's is going to play a games for 16 hours in one session??
What about GOG version?
Niggles: he probably had it left sitting open the whole time (if steams counter counts idle time towards the total) :P
That might be the case too :D
OmarTheSyrian: 16 HOURS!!
who's is going to play a games for 16 hours in one session??
What about GOG version?
meowstef: i remember sitting down and playing might and magic 8 for 48 hours straight i needed to get used to walking again after that but it was fun
hahaha, don't you have other things to do, guys?
Melhelix: I used to work crazy hours, doing 80+ hours a week for a month or two straight, and then have three weeks completely off. It made for an interesting version of relaxing. :P
HijacK: That is nuts. What was your job?
Yeah I would like to know too, I need a similar job... :p