Delixe: No I think you are right. I think that people in countries who have comparatively recently converted to democracy are now seeing it for the big lie it is. Those of us who have had centuries of it have been de-sensitized by a gradual erosion of personal rights. What was once "for the good of the state" is now "for the good of the people". It's dictatorship but sold in a very nice way.
Quite frankly I think we should go back to having Kings and Queens. Don't like them? Cut their heads off and get a new one. With democracy you have to go through endless debates and forums and the opposition is just as bad as the ones in power.
I think we had some democracy about 90 years ago. And some kings before that. I'm not a fan of any of those.
I'd prefer a decent government, that doesn't proclaim being right, when they're left [and no, i'm not referring to the leading party only]. I do understand that most people are somehow dumb, and it was so ages ago, when Plato [i think] mentioned it. We are not equal, we don't have the same tastes and needs. The gov't shouldn't serve us the same protein pill.
Makes me wonder, how it looked in ancient Rome. Wonder if they had a long forgotten proto-punk-like culture there, wearing "i hate plato" robes.. ;P