orcishgamer: Lmao, really? He was accused of having beaten his wife during the same trumped up witch trial that led to his conviction of murder. Even his wife denied she'd been slapped (which contradicted the testimony of his neighbor).
You're basically saying he's guilty of this crime because he's guilty of that crime in a circle jerk of complete lack of logic.
The only thing Willingham was likely guilty of was not being a particularly swell guy. If that's enough in your mind to put someone to death along with the voodoo shit presented as evidence at his trial then, yes, you should never be allowed to sentence anyone to death. The governor actually refused to even review exonerating evidence sitting on his desk before the execution, evidence produced by disinterested, expert third parties. Geez man, this is why people have a problem with the death penalty and with attitudes like yours. People look at people in the defendant's seat and actually think "he wouldn't be there if he hadn't done something wrong!" That's a problem.
The sheer number of people let out of prison for wrongful convictions should make your stomach churn. You, and people with your attitude, can be factually shown to have wrongly deprived them of their rights and freedom. How the hell do you plan to make that up to them? With a, "Oh well, shit happens...", yeah, good show! And you think it's okay to put someone to death? And you think we spend too much examining the evidence so we ought to just haul em out back and hang them after the first conviction? Wow. That's barbaric, and if that's what passes for "right" and "liberty" then fuck your right and liberty, I don't want anything to do with them. I'll take my chances with the "criminals" and "scum".

XmXFLUXmX: Okay, first off, he wasn't "accused" of beating his wife, he did beat his wife while she was pregnant: "in a follow up article by David Grann, it was noted that" ...there is evidence that Willingham hit his wife, even when she was pregnant, but there were no police reports or medical evidence indicating that Willingham had tried to abort or kill his children" . His wife denying that he hit the kids is irrelevant, battered and abused wives lie for their husbands all of the time, there is a reason why we have identified the Stockholm syndrome.
I am not using circular logic, if he was in fact innocent, he should've taken the polygraph test, if you are innocent, what do you have to hide? At this point, it was life or death, and he thought he could lie his way out of the system, and the system didn't fail and gave him a lethal injection.
Also, what is this "sheer number" of innocent people being thrown in the big house? I smell a law 101 student who is just parroting what his liberal teacher is telling him, i'd love a source for this "horde of innocent people in jail" claim.
As expected from a left-winger who sympathizes with criminals, you resort to hyperbole in almost every sentence. There is nothing wrong with examining the evidence, but lets face facts, if you find some guy covered in his victims blood next to the body, there is no need for the 10 legal "experts", the guy is fucking guilty! We saw what the legal experts and the forensic experts did with OJ, he was RELEASED! A lot of good they did. The point being is that all of these bloated expenditures in regards to judicial affairs are pointless if all you have to do is stack the jury.
To the point, violent criminals need to be put down, like the animals they are, and the judicial system needs a huge reform.
So if you were told to go through a truth/lie test, would you? Human tools are inaccurate, A lie is the truth if i believe it.