adaliabooks: Scratch that, spell checker tells me that anytime is not a word, despite my inclination to use it...
I'm still not sure whether til (or till?) is a word (as in a short form of until, like I waited till the movie was over...)
Don't feel too bad. When I was writing that post, I initially used "anytime" as an example, before thinking about it for a second and remembering, "Ah, yeah, that's not actually a word."
I blame hte Internet for geting in my brainz and makign me dummer lol!!!1
Also, I'm pretty sure both " 'til" and "till" are acceptable, though if I remember correctly, " 'til" is seen as kind of archaic or "old-timey" (like " 'tis"). "Till" is definitely a word, though, and as you said, that sense of it is the same in meaning as "until".
awalterj: Reminds me that we had an entire thread about both "rouge" and "Baulder's Gate" earlier this year complete with etymological tangents, it was fun: justanoldgamer: I don't how I missed that thread, if I had known I would not have started this one. In any case the number or replies seems to indicate that it was needed again.
If you take a glance at that thread, you'll see it died off back in June. Probably just as well you started a new one.
qwixter: I don't see that alot.
Look! There it goes now!