Episodic games are iffy - mostly because many never ever make it past the first few episodes and that leaves the game with a greatly unfinished feeling (Esp in story aspects - but also some use it to break up gameplay). Heck even big titles like Xenosaga can get games cut or reduced in number).
Plus they have an October closed beta yet not much to display in their promo video barring concept art - which is always a problem.
This is double the case because they've no details of who the developers are. Their description reads like the back of a game box blurb - without any real meat to the developing team, their previous games etc... With unkown developers and with very little to show for the game and with an episodic design concept which has yet to really ever actually work it all makes for a very iffy investment.
If developers don't have previous games that they as a whole or the members of the team have worked upon its really upon them to have much more pre-investment game concept and models worked upon. To really have something to actually prove that they are not just a bunch of artists with a few concepts but no real ability to pull it all together into a finished project.