gamble999: Thanks a lot guys, I´m having problems with the cows, not able to maintain a bunch of them and the quest are killing me.
So, manual and playthroughs for me then, if I want to master the game (I honestly don´t think I´ll ever will but...) I have to pay attention to most things and not go for the kill as sometimes I do.
Great community here!
It's a difficult game to master. In fact i don't think you ever can truly master it, which is part of the point. As a 'simulation' of ancient tribes and what that 'might' be all about i think it gets pretty close to reality. This is speaking as someone that has always had a fascination with ancient history and it's peoples and as someone that has lived amongst some tribes in the south pacific.
I've played around 30 games of KoDP over the years and only twice been able to become King of Dragon Pass. But that is ok as ultimately this is not a game about that really. It is about the experience of each play through and getting you (a modern 21st century person) to step into the shoes of your ancestors and 'think' like them, share their kind of concerns (food, war, gods etc) and reconnect with the past we all come from.
This is not like 90% of all other games that are just simple 'kill everything to win' type games. KoDP is much more awesome, and much more difficult than that old trope.