Pheace: All of them were cracked already, practically the same day they were released. It's not like they all have to be cracked when steam goes down, they already are.
But there are no separate "Steam crack" for most of them, but "cracking" them means you'd have to redownload pirated versions of all your Steam games.
Most probably those pirate releases are the first, initial release versions of the games (v1.0), missing all the bug fixes that have arrived for those games ever since. The pirate groups don't tend to offer support for their releases, as they are mostly competing who offers the first barely playable cracked version of a brand-new game. They are there for the fame, not for support service.
timppu: 1. There is not only one Steam game ("the game"). There are hundreds (thousands?) of Steam games which would need to be cracked individually, and I can assure you all of them will not get a working crack, especially considering cracks are usually version-dependent.
2. ACTA etc. implies that it may not be that easy to get "cracks" in the future as it still is today, or even full pirated games. At least from reliable sources, whatever those may be considering we are talking about pirated software and cracks which are normally used by cyber criminals as vehicles for people to install trojans and keyloggers into their releases.
3. At that point Steam may not give a shit whether games on their service are cracked, but the original IP holders of those games (EA, Ubisoft etc.) certainly do. Most games delivered through the Steam service are not the property of Valve. This point also makes sure that Valve could never release an universal "Steam crack" for all Steam games, even if they had promised such (which they haven't).
4. Did I already mention that downloading cracks and full game releases from p2p networks are a good way to install trojans and keyloggers to your Windows machine?

StingingVelvet: 1. You shouldn't be buying non-Steamworks games on Steam if you care about DRM. And yes, of course Steamworks games have cracks.
2. Fantasy.
3. Unless the games are still for sale no one gives a shit. And if they are still for sale the DRM will still work or will have been removed.
4. If you're an idiot, sure.
1. See my reply to Phease.
2. Then can you explain why e.g. "the bay" sites (all of them) is pretty much inaccessible from e.g. Finland for common people (who are not adept enough for using "free" proxy servers, Tor networks or whatever)? There was a court order to force local ISPs to block access to them, and I am sure other pirate/crack sites will follow later.
While not necessarily technically completely impossible, it is becoming harder and harder to access such content. That's just the way it goes.
3. The game can be still sold on other services, not the one which died. No one has no obligation to remove the DRM, after all it says in Steam TOS that their service is terminable without a notice. You have no rights whatsoever to "your" Steam games, as has been demonstrated also by those cases where Steam/Origin customers have been denied access to all their games from minor, or even no, TOS offences.
Also as said before, crackers are not there for customer service, but fame. They rather concentrate on new challenges, not cracking some 5-10 years old games just so that little johnny can play again.
4. Considering all the successful DDOS attacks using bot computers all over the world, the world seems to be full of such idiots. Antivirus programs are always lagging behind, they are always spotty in detecting all threats.
MS antiscum measures can't help it if people decide to install software from unreliable sources, like p2p networks. Maybe that is why MS is targetting so that people would install software only from Windows Store, that is the only way to secure it.