michaelleung: Thank god it ended. I almost thought JJ Abrams had gone mad. Well actually I thought he went mad in the finale anyway.
As I understand, Abrams had little to do with the show after the first half of the 1st season. I enjoyed the show throughout it's run. Even without some of the mysteries not being explained.
lukaszthegreat: can somebody sum up the series for me in few sentences.
From wiking the last episode i found that *SPOILERS*
The first crash killed all of the passengers and they are in afterlife...
don't know enough to understand it completely so...
please share info. just few pointers. never gonna watch lost anyway.
The passengers did not die in the crash. Some died during the show's time period, some died after the last episode's time. They all met in some stopover before moving onto 'heaven?'. All the stuff on the island actually happened in their lives.